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Chesapeake - Architectural Fencing
Chesapeake - Architectural Fencing
Chesapeake - Architectural Fencing
    BASTEEL Perimeter Systems

    Chesapeake - Architectural Fencing

    Chesapeake fence by BASTEEL Perimeter Systems offers a semi-privacy design available with either a 2-3/8” or 3-7/8” gap between the pickets. The Chesapeake design allows for an abundant amount of airflow and selectable visual impairment while establishing a barrier. The fence can rack with nearly any landscape contour, with approximately 6 feet of elevation change over 5 linear feet. Chesapeake is also available with an optional Top Cap to achieve a different look.

    BASTEEL Perimeter Systems feature precision roll formed, ultra high-strength pickets, rails, and posts, all galvanized to G90 specifications. BASTEEL then applies a thermo-cured paint system with an organic fluoropolymer (KYNAR 500) top coat that will resist fading, chalking, and peeling for decades to come. All attaching hardware is 302 series stainless steel to resist corrosion.

    Технічна специфікація
    • Унікальний номерchesapeake-architectural-fencing
    • Сімейство продуктівArchitectural Fencing
    • Група продуктівChesapeake
    • ТипObject (single object)
    • Дата публікації2024-03-13
    • Номер видання1
    • Матеріал основнийGalvanized steel
    • Розроблено вUnited States
    • Виготовлено вUnited States
    • Категорія BIMobjectLandscaping - Фехтування
    • Код Uniclass 2015Ss_25_14
    • Опис Uniclass 2015Fence systems
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201432 31 00
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Fences and Gates
    • Номер OmniClass23-11 25 19
    • Заголовок OmniClassFences

    Доступність регіону

    Північна Америка
    United States