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    Air Liquide Healthcare


    4.3 out of 5 stars4.3(15 reviews)
    Air Liquide has designed a wide and varied range of cylinders to condition the gas. The capacity of the bottles amounts to 11 Nm3 of gas. This capacity is based on two factors: the physical and chemical characteristics of the air conditioning product and its volume of water. The filling pressure of the bottles can reach up to 200 bar. Thanks to the different types of faucets that come with the bottles according to the gas function they contain, incorrect connections are avoided. To facilitate the identification of the bottles a series of codes is used.
    • Features: Colors: according to current legislation. Ogives: marks according to the European Agreement on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. Marked: - Property brand. - Designation of gas and quality. Recorded: - Name of the gas. - Hydraulic test date. - Maximum weight and load.
    Технічна специфікація
    • Унікальний номерcylinder
    • Сімейство продуктівMedical pipeline system
    • Група продуктівHigh Pressure Gas Station
    • ТипObject (single object)
    • Дата публікації2018-11-19
    • Номер видання1
    • Висота (мм)1635
    • Ширина (мм)230
    • Глибина (мм)230
    • Матеріал основнийSteel
    • Матеріал допоміжнийSteel
    • Розроблено вFrance
    • Виготовлено вFrance
    • Вага нетто (кг)80
    • Категорія BIMobjectЛіки - Other Medical
    • Класифікація IFCDistribution Flow Element
    • Назва UNSPSCGas regulators
    • Код UNSPSC40142201
    • Код Uniclass 2015Co_55_20_50
    • Опис Uniclass 2015Gas distribution complexes
    • Номер OmniClass23-25 33 00
    • Заголовок OmniClassMedical Gas Products
    • Код CSI UniFormat IID3040
    • Заголовок CSI UniFormat IIDistribution Systems

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