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AdirMed Luxe Upholstered Blood Drawing Chair
AdirMed Luxe Upholstered Blood Drawing Chair
AdirMed Luxe Upholstered Blood Drawing Chair

    AdirMed Luxe Upholstered Blood Drawing Chair

    • DURABLE CONSTRUCTION. Boasting a weight capacity of up to 350 pounds to accommodate most patients, the AdirMed is expertly constructed using a powder-coated steel frame to ensure long-term durability and use for years to come.
    • OPTIMAL COMFORT. Measuring 32.5" H x 25" W x 23" D, this padded chair is oversized to accommodate patients of various sizes. The seat, back and arm rests are generously padded with soft, supple leather-grained polyurethane upholstery to contribute to patient comfort.
    • RELAXING ATMOSPHERE. Designed to help patients with "white coat syndrome," the Luxe Upholstered Blood Drawing Chair provides the user with a comfortable and relaxing experience even in the presence of a physician.
    • FOLD-BACK ARMREST. Allowing for patient safety and stability, the armrest furnishes a fully-upholstered enclosure to promote relaxation for the patient when having blood drawn. It can be folded back to provides ample space for access and egress.
    • SLEEK, MODERN DESIGN. The Upholstered Chair is available in blue, black and silver/grey upholstery with a white powder-coated frame that will easily complement and enhance any doctor’s office, hospital or medical facility.

    As Featured on Amazon.com

    #AdirMed #Chair #BloodDrawingChair

    • Soft supple leather grained polyurethane upholstery easily cleaned between patients.
      Generously padded seat back and arm rests contribute to patient comfort.
      White powder coated sturdy steel framing safely supports up to 350 pounds.
      Fold back armrest provides ample space for access egress.

    Технічна специфікація
    • Унікальний номерAdirMed-Luxe-Upholstered-Blood-Drawing-Chair
    • Сімейство продуктівChair
    • Група продуктівBlood Drawing
    • ТипDocumentation (info)
    • Дата публікації2019-03-04
    • Номер видання1
    • Матеріал основнийPolyurethane
    • Розроблено вUnited States
    • Категорія BIMobjectЛіки - Other Medical
    • Назва UNSPSCOffice Equipment and Accessories and Supplies
    • Код UNSPSC44
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201412 52 13
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Chairs
    • Номер OmniClass23-25 00 00
    • Заголовок OmniClassMedical and Laboratory Equipment

    Доступність регіону

    Північна Америка
    United States

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