Publiko produktet
WIREFLOW 0302 Design by Arik Levy

WIREFLOW 0302 Design by Arik Levy

Wireflow designed by Arik Levy. A sculptural luminaire that reinterpets and puts a completely new twist on the classical chandelier. Its elegant structure allows combinations of the enhanced black electrical wires and lacquered metal rods to create large, visually dynamic chandeliers and sculptural luminaires. Using the Create your Product Configuration tool, the design can be modified to create a unique solution for every project.

Teknik özellikler
  • Benzersiz ref.vibia-wireflow-0302
  • Ürün ailesiLuminaries for Internal Lighting
  • Ürün grubuPendants
  • TipObje (Tekil Nesne)
  • Yayınlanma tarihi2015-11-24
  • Baskı numarası1
  • BIMobject kategorisiAydınlatma - Aydınlatma
  • IFC sınıflandırmasıAydınlatma Armatürü
  • ETIM KoduEC001743
  • ETIM AdıPendant luminaire
  • UNSPSC adıInterior lighting fixtures and accessories
  • UNSPSC kodu391115
  • Uniclass 2015 koduPr_70_70_48_62
  • Uniclass 2015 açıklamasıPendant luminaires
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kodu26 51 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 başlığıInterior Lighting
  • OmniClass numarası23-35 47 11
  • OmniClass başlığıLighting Fixtures
  • CSI UniFormat II koduD5020
  • CSI UniFormat II başlığıLighting & Branch Wiring

Bölge bulunurluk durumu

Kuzey Amerika
Birleşik Devletler
Porto Riko