This product is subject to regional limitations, please check availability on the "regions" tab.
The VELUX bottom-operated, centre-pivot roof window GLU 0051B is perfect for those looking for a maintenance-free and moisture-resistant window, the window is perfect for all rooms, especially humid rooms, with strong essential functionalities. Easy bottom-operation allows a higher position, for example due to a high knee wall
• Great value for money from a two-layer pane with a Uw of 1.3 W/m2K.
• Refresh your home by slightly opening the window and fixing it in the top bushing.
• Easily rotate the window 180° for safe cleaning of the outer glass from the inside.
• Removable and cleanable ventilation filter protects your home from dust and insects while ventilating.
• Maintenance-free exterior covers increase peace of mind throughout the lifetime of the roof window.
• Quickly and easily add blinds using the unique Pick&Click!™ system.
• Refresh your home by slightly opening the window and fixing it in the top bushing.
VELUX roofwindows roofwindow roof windows roof window skylight skylights
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Asya |
Bosna Hersek | Türkiye |
Bulgaristan | |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | |
Estonya | |
Hırvatistan | |
Letonya | |
Litvanya | |
Macaristan | |
Polonya | |
Romanya | |
Sırbistan | |
Slovakya | |
Slovenya | |
Ukrayna |