Publiko produktet
Panneau isolant M32 Structuré
Panneau isolant M32 Structuré
Panneau isolant M32 Structuré
Panneau isolant M32 Structuré
Panneau isolant M32 Structuré
Panneau isolant M32 Structuré
Panneau isolant M32 Structuré
Panneau isolant M32 Structuré
Panneau isolant M32 Structuré
Panneau isolant M32 Structuré

    Panneau isolant M32 Structuré

    The M32 cladding panel is designed for collective and individual housing, establishments open to the public and the tertiary sector.

    • M32 alone: 1.35 m².K/W
    • up to 11.55 m².K/W by inserting thermal insulation panels between the supporting wall and the M32 cladding panel (maximum thickness of additional insulation: 220 mm)
    • Fixed width: 50 cm
    • Made-to-measure length: between 1.5 m and 14 m
    • M32 thickness: 32 mm
    • Maximum system thickness: 32 mm + 220 mm

    Vertical and horizontal installation of the M32 cladding panel, external aluminium cladding available in several finishes and a wide choice of colours

    • Non-ventilated system

        The cladding system is installed (without an air space) on flat, vertical walls, new or pre-existing, of rendered masonry (in compliance with NF DTU 20.1) or concrete (in compliance with DTU 23.1), blind or with openings.

        Can be installed on timber-framed constructions (COB) in accordance with NF DTU 31.2, limited to a maximum height of 10 m (+ gable peak) depending on the wind zone.

        Rigid insulation panels (e.g. PIR, Resin foam, high-density rock wool or others) can be inserted between the cladding panels and the load-bearing structure to form an external thermal insulation system of the ‘cladding’ type.

        Description of Myral panels

        Myral panels are made up of elements combining a pre-painted aluminium sheet cladding with moulded polyurethane insulation. The cladding elements are installed by interlocking the PVC edges and fixing to the supporting structure using plastic plugs directly to the shell.

      Teknik özellikler
      • Benzersiz ref.M32-Structure
      • Ürün ailesiM32
      • Ürün grubuaspect structuré
      • Tipİnşaat Malzemesi
      • Yayınlanma tarihi2021-03-22
      • Baskı numarası1
      • Genişlik (mm)500
      • Derinlik (mm)32
      • Ana malzemeAlüminyum
      • İkincil malzemePolyisocyanorate PIR
      • Tasarım yeriFransa
      • Üretim yeriFransa
      • Ağırlık net (Kg)4
      • BIMobject kategorisiDuvarlar - Kaplama
      • IFC sınıflandırmasıDuvar
      • ETIM KoduEC000406
      • ETIM AdıThermal insulation
      • Uniclass 2015 koduPr_25_31_28_65
      • Uniclass 2015 açıklamasıPolyisocyanurate (PIR) foam insulation
      • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kodu07 42 00
      • CSI MasterFormat 2014 başlığıWall Panels
      • OmniClass numarası23-13 37 13
      • OmniClass başlığıExterior Wall Cladding

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