Kalfire GP110/79T is a closed gas fireplace. The size or style of a room is not an obstacle – our closed gas fires are suitable for any type of interior. We design our models with perfection in mind and never compromise on quality or style.
For the Kalfire GP110/79T tunnel fireplace, you have the option to choose from different interiors and mounting frames. Additionally, you can optionally select a hybrid/LED function (atmospheric ember bed) and/or an NSG function (function where real sparks dance above the flames). With these choices, you can customize a gas fireplace that perfectly matches your personal taste and preferences, as well as complements the finishing and space in which the fireplace will be installed.
Prestige burner (Kalfire GP-range)
The patented Prestige burner is integrated directly within highly realistic ceramic logs, which are stacked in a pyramid. This results in high, blazing flames that leap directly from the logs, giving an unparalleled impression of a wood fire.
Product options:
- Hybrid function
- Natural Spark Generator
- Anti-reflective glass
- iMatch interface
- Domotica (home automation)
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa |
Almanya |
Andorra |
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Kıbrıs |
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Liechtenstein |
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Lüksemburg |
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Moldova |
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Portekiz |
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Rusya |
San Marino |
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Slovenya |
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Vatikan |
Yunanistan |