Best Commercial Sectional Door Solution Based on Thermal Rating, Durability, and Maintenance
Hörmann’s Best commercial sectional door solutions based on thermal qualities, durability, and maintenance, is the 440U (1½” thick, R-Value 15.7) polyurethane insulated model. The 440U doors are constructed using our environmentally friendly, proprietary blend polyurethane that is evenly injected between galvanized steel sheets via a continuous computer-controlled process. Hörmann’s proprietary blend polyurethane has unmatched density and strength as compared to competitive brands.
Our top-of-the-line galvanized steel sheets are treated with four layers of a strength and weather-resistant coating for a long-lasting surface finish. A triple-reinforced steel fold extends across each panel section for added stability. In addition, conduction-resistant panel thermal breaks along with foam / tape insulated joints reduce air infiltration and heat / AC loss.
Only available from Hörmann, our reinforced safety bottom brackets and red safety screws provide an added layer of built-in safety. Choose from four popular colors: white, brown, sandstone, or metallic silver (optional). For ultimate customization, our Galaxy Paint System offers custom colors to match any color under the stars.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Kuzey Amerika | Güney Amerika |
Anguilla | Arjantin |
Antigua ve Barbuda | Bolivya |
Aruba | Brezilya |
Bahamalar | Ekvador |
Barbados | Falkland Adaları (Islas Malvinas) |
Belize | Fransız Guyanası |
Bermuda | Guyana |
Birleşik Devletler | Kolombiya |
Caribbean Netherlands | Paraguay |
Cayman Adaları | Peru |
Curaçao | Şili |
Dominik | Surinam |
Dominik Cumhuriyeti | Uruguay |
El Salvador | Venezuela |
Grenada | |
Grönland | |
Guadeloupe | |
Guatemala | |
Haiti | |
Honduras | |
İngiliz Virjin Adaları | |
Jamaika | |
Kanada | |
Kostarika | |
Küba | |
Martinique | |
Meksika | |
Montserrat | |
Nikaragua | |
Panama | |
Porto Riko | |
Saint Barthélemy | |
Saint Kitts ve Nevis | |
Saint Lucia | |
Saint Martin | |
Saint Pierre ve Miquelon | |
Saint Vincent ve Grenadines | |
Sint Maarten | |
Trinidad ve Tobago | |
Turks ve Caicos Adaları | |
Virjin Adaları |