Solution for masonary walls in thermal and acoustic bricks Preceram 40x19x20 (PRO20), with external plaster and interior wall lining, consisting of self-supporting structure with horizontal metal profiles RAIA 70 and vertical metal profiles MONTANTE 70, spaced every 600 mm, on which 2 layers of Gyptec BA13A (STANDARD) plasterboards are fixed.
Volcalis ALPHA mineral wool in the cavity space.
Surfaces ready for final finishing of painting or decoration.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Afrika |
Andorra | Angola |
Belçika | Batı Sahara |
Fransa | Benin |
Hollanda | Botswana |
İngiltere | Burkina Faso |
İrlanda | Burundi |
İspanya | Çad |
Lüksemburg | Cape Verde |
Portekiz | Cezayir |
Cibuti | |
Comoros | |
Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti | |
Ekvator Ginesi | |
Eritre | |
Esvatini̇ | |
Etiyopya | |
Fas | |
Fildişi Sahili | |
Gabon | |
Gambiya | |
Gana | |
Gine | |
Guinea-Bissau | |
Güney Afrika | |
Güney Sudan | |
Kamerun | |
Kenya | |
Kongo | |
Lesotho | |
Liberya | |
Libya | |
Madagaskar | |
Malavi | |
Mali | |
Mauritius | |
Mayotte | |
Moritanya | |
Mozambik | |
Namibya | |
Nijer | |
Nijerya | |
Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti | |
Reunion | |
Ruanda | |
Saint Helena | |
São Tomé ve Príncipe | |
Senegal | |
Seychelles | |
Sierra Leone | |
Somali | |
Sudan | |
Tanzanya | |
Togo | |
Tunus | |
Uganda | |
Zambiya | |
Zimbabwe |