Fabric glass is a material that is part of the family of wall and ceiling coverings. Consisting of extremely fine glass wires, its strength and durability are the most appreciated characteristics.
We have developed our range of Barrisol® GTs® ceilings and walls to meet the most demanding standards of safety and health.
Classified A2-s1, d0 (non coated version), this sheet is a wall and ceiling covering incombustible, aesthetic and shapable almost to infinity. It can be acoustic, luminous, printed, and is 100% recyclable.
Ideal for high-rise buildings, corridors, escape routes and all places requiring aesthetics and impeccable safety.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa |
Åland |
Almanya |
Andorra |
Arnavutluk |
Avusturya |
Belçika |
Beyaz Rusya |
Bosna Hersek |
Bulgaristan |
Cebelitarık |
Çek Cumhuriyeti |
Danimarka |
Estonya |
Faroe Adaları |
Finlandiya |
Fransa |
Guernsey |
Hırvatistan |
Hollanda |
İngiltere |
İrlanda |
Isle of Man |
İspanya |
İsveç |
İsviçre |
İtalya |
İzlanda |
Jersey |
Karadağ |
Kıbrıs |
Kuzey Makedonya |
Letonya |
Liechtenstein |
Litvanya |
Lüksemburg |
Macaristan |
Malta |
Moldova |
Monako |
Norveç |
Polonya |
Portekiz |
Romanya |
Rusya |
San Marino |
Sırbistan |
Slovakya |
Slovenya |
Svalbard |
Ukrayna |
Vatikan |
Yunanistan |