Benefitting from the ONE series’ condensing technology and upgraded with new advanced features, the new Ariston condensing wall-hung boiler range stands out for its enhanced performance, durability and efficiency, but it’s also a more environmentally-friendly option, as it can now run on hydrogen enriched natural gas.
The boilers combine modern Italian design with hi-tech materials and are equipped with Sensys HD, the innovative system interface for easy and accurate control over comfort. Thanks to built-in Wi-Fi compatibility, the boilers are ready for Ariston NET.
The app allows for easy smartphone control, energy savings and remote assistance*. But not only that: with the new Ariston NET’s AI capabilities you can choose to let your boiler create a custom heating experience and tak active care of your system.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Asya |
Andorra | Azerbaycan |
Arnavutluk | Ermenistan |
Beyaz Rusya | Gürcistan |
Bosna Hersek | Kazakistan |
Bulgaristan | Özbekistan |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | Türkiye |
Estonya | |
Fransa | |
Hırvatistan | |
İngiltere | |
İrlanda | |
İspanya | |
İtalya | |
Karadağ | |
Kıbrıs | |
Kuzey Makedonya | |
Letonya | |
Litvanya | |
Macaristan | |
Malta | |
Moldova | |
Monako | |
Polonya | |
Portekiz | |
Romanya | |
San Marino | |
Sırbistan | |
Slovakya | |
Slovenya | |
Ukrayna | |
Vatikan | |
Yunanistan |