MPH DUAL is a pleated insect screen system, which belong to the MPH HARMONY family. The system has been designed as a two-wing variant with the possibility of making a corner insect screen without a post. Due to this solution, the product can be used on standard terrace doors, whose dimensions reach up to 6m wide and 2.7m high, as well as on increasingly popular HS type corner sliding doors.
A characteristic feature of the MPH DUAL system is a pleated mesh which, when closed, forms a harmonica and then hides in the side profile and due to this solution allows for optimal use of space. The mesh is available in several sizes, so called sets, which depending on the needs can be cut, thus adjusting the mesh to the size of the joinery. Moreover, the mesh is available in two colours: grey and black, which allows to adjust it to the needs of the user. The MPH DUAL system is characterized by an extremely smooth movement, which makes its use very simple and does nor require much effort. Two sizes of sliding profiles are available in the offer. In addition, the construction of the insect screen allows to stop it in any position. The advantage of this solution is also the low threshold, which facilitates smooth passage.
The construction of the insect screen is made of extruded aluminium, which makes it durable and resistant to weather conditions, and in addition it can be varnished in any colour. The pleated insect screen MPH DUAL works with roller shutter systems and lift and slide balcony doors MB-77HS available in Aluprof’s offer.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Asya | Kuzey Amerika | Afrika | Güney Amerika | Okyanusya |
Åland | Afganistan | Anguilla | Angola | Arjantin | Amerikan Samoası |
Almanya | Azerbaycan | Antigua ve Barbuda | Batı Sahara | Bolivya | Avustralya |
Andorra | Bahreyn | Aruba | Benin | Brezilya | Cook Adaları |
Arnavutluk | Bangladeş | Bahamalar | Botswana | Ekvador | Fiji |
Avusturya | Bhutan | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Falkland Adaları (Islas Malvinas) | Fransız Polinezyası |
Belçika | Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri | Belize | Burundi | Fransız Guyanası | Guam |
Beyaz Rusya | British Indian Ocean Territory | Bermuda | Çad | Guyana | Kiribati |
Bosna Hersek | Brunei Sultanlığı | Birleşik Devletler | Cape Verde | Kolombiya | Kuzey Mariana Adaları |
Bulgaristan | Christmas Adası | Caribbean Netherlands | Cezayir | Paraguay | Marshall Adaları |
Cebelitarık | Çin | Cayman Adaları | Cibuti | Peru | Mikronezya Federal Devletleri |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | Cocos Adaları | Curaçao | Comoros | Şili | Nauru |
Danimarka | Endonezya | Dominik | Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti | Surinam | New Caledonia |
Estonya | Ermenistan | Dominik Cumhuriyeti | Ekvator Ginesi | Uruguay | Niue |
Faroe Adaları | Filipinler | El Salvador | Eritre | Venezuela | Norfolk Adası |
Finlandiya | Filistin | Grenada | Esvatini̇ | Palau | |
Fransa | Güney Kore | Grönland | Etiyopya | Papua Yeni Gine | |
Guernsey | Gürcistan | Guadeloupe | Fas | Pitcairn Adaları | |
Hırvatistan | Hindistan | Guatemala | Fildişi Sahili | Samoa | |
Hollanda | Hong Kong | Haiti | Gabon | Solomon Adaları | |
İngiltere | Irak | Honduras | Gambiya | Timor-Leste | |
İrlanda | İran | İngiliz Virjin Adaları | Gana | Tokelau | |
Isle of Man | İsrail | Jamaika | Gine | Tonga | |
İspanya | Japonya | Kanada | Guinea-Bissau | Tuvalu | |
İsveç | Kamboçya | Kostarika | Güney Afrika | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
İsviçre | Katar | Küba | Güney Sudan | Vanuatu | |
İtalya | Kazakistan | Martinique | Kamerun | Wallis ve Futuna | |
İzlanda | Kırgızistan | Meksika | Kenya | Yeni Zelanda | |
Jersey | Kuveyt | Montserrat | Kongo | ||
Karadağ | Laos | Nikaragua | Lesotho | ||
Kıbrıs | Lübnan | Panama | Liberya | ||
Kuzey Makedonya | Macau | Porto Riko | Libya | ||
Letonya | Maldivler | Saint Barthélemy | Madagaskar | ||
Liechtenstein | Malezya | Saint Kitts ve Nevis | Malavi | ||
Litvanya | Moğolistan | Saint Lucia | Mali | ||
Lüksemburg | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Martin | Mauritius | ||
Macaristan | Nepal | Saint Pierre ve Miquelon | Mayotte | ||
Malta | Özbekistan | Saint Vincent ve Grenadines | Mısır | ||
Moldova | Pakistan | Sint Maarten | Moritanya | ||
Monako | Singapur | Trinidad ve Tobago | Mozambik | ||
Norveç | Sri Lanka | Turks ve Caicos Adaları | Namibya | ||
Polonya | Suriye | Virjin Adaları | Nijer | ||
Portekiz | Suudi Arabistan | Nijerya | |||
Romanya | Tacikistan | Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti | |||
Rusya | Tayland | Reunion | |||
San Marino | Tayvan | Ruanda | |||
Sırbistan | Türkiye | Saint Helena | |||
Slovakya | Türkmenistan | São Tomé ve Príncipe | |||
Slovenya | Umman | Senegal | |||
Svalbard | Ürdün | Seychelles | |||
Ukrayna | Vietnam | Sierra Leone | |||
Vatikan | Yemen | Somali | |||
Yunanistan | Sudan | ||||
Tanzanya | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunus | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambiya | |||||
Zimbabwe |