INXX II basin mixers are available in three different heights, including high which is suitable for countertop basins. With its durable chrome finish and straight lines, long spout and slanted nozzle, the INXX II sharp basin mixer is attractive to look at and practical to use. The mixer has been tested and approved according to current building regulations and is energy-efficient, which means it reduces water and energy use without compromising on comfort. A push down-waste in a matching colour is available as an accessory.
273023.CA RSK 8278283 NRF4290475
This basinmixer is also availible in six other different colours. Matte black 273023.12CA RSK 8278284 NRF 4290476 Matte white 273023.22CA RSK 8278285 NRF 4290477 Matte grey 273023.44CA RSK 8278286 NRF 4290478 Polished brass 273023.60CA RSK 8278287 NRF 4290479 Brushed brass 273023.62CA RSK 8278288 NRF 4290481
INXX II is an elegant, timeless collection in a palette of carefully selected colours. Offering a combination of high quality, sober design and outstanding comfort, this is the ultimate collection.
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