This is MORA INXX II PULLOUT. A convenient, clean-lined, functional mixer featuring a pull-out spray head. MORA PULLOUT are designed to complement the way you live your life and at the same time reduce the hot water consumption. Hundred years of passion, craftsmanship and tradition has turned our iconic design in to a world class water experience.
Combining a durable chromed finish and a soft design language, the INXX II pullout faucet brings a sense of luxury and elegance to the kitchen. The mixer has a pullout hand spray, with the option to switch between a regular water stream and a shower. The stream returns to normal when the water is turned off.
Chrome. 272031.CA RSK: 8312034 NRF: 4290558
With a resilient matte black tone and a paired back expression, INXX II soft contributes to a luxurious and elegant kitchen. The mixer features a pullout hand shower that can be switched between a regular water stream and a shower. When the water is turned off, the stream automatically resets to its standard setting.
Matte black. 272031.12CA RSK: 8312035 NRF: 4290559
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