SCG Wall Acoustic Cylence Zandera Scenera 600x1200-2.3
View of environmental friendliness and improves quality of life : Well Being
Attribute : Health or Hygiene
Message Communication for environmental friendly : SCG Wall Acoustic Cylence Zandera Scenera reduces room resonance by up to 75% with a sound absorption coefficient of 0.75, making the sound echo-free. and heard more clearly
Starting Date : 18/01/2021
Expired Date : 18/01/2024
Region tillgänglighet
Asien |
Armenien |
Azerbajdzjan |
Bangladesh |
Bhutan |
Brittiska territoriet i Indiska oceanen |
Brunei |
Filippinerna |
Georgia |
Hongkong |
Indien |
Indonesien |
Japan |
Julöarna |
Kambodja |
Kazakstan |
Kina |
Kokosöarna |
Kyrgyzstan |
Laos |
Macao |
Malaysia |
Maldiverna |
Mongoliet |
Myanmar (Burma) |
Nepal |
Nordkorea |
Pakistan |
Singapore |
Sri Lanka |
Sydkorea |
Tadzjikistan |
Taiwan |
Thailand |
Turkmenistan |
Uzbekistan |
Vietnam |