LG Commercial Washers for On-Premise Laundries

LG Commercial Washers for On-Premise Laundries

4.9 av 5 stjärnor4.9(16 omdömen)
LG Commercial Washers for On-Premise Laundries

The LG Platinum Commercial Laundry System offers laundries unrivaled energy-efficiency, programmability, installation flexibility and durability. Offering 22.5 pounds of capacity, LG Platinum Commercial Washers and Dryers are available in electric and natural gas models, and are configurable to meet the needs of any on-premise laundry application, including those at spas, salons, vet clinics and restaurants.

Teknisk specifikation
  • Unik ref.continentalgirbau-0011
  • ProduktfamiljWashing Machines
  • ProduktgruppLG Platinum
  • TypObjekt (enstaka objekt)
  • Publiceringsdatum2016-11-17
  • Edition nummer1
  • BIMobjektkategoriElektronik - Vitvara

Region tillgänglighet
