The HZ2-KPEX is a Horizon® 2 keypad that provides infiNET EX® wireless network control of lighting, shading, audio, and other amenities throughout a home. Its design matches the entire line of Horizon dimmers, switches, and keypads, making it a great addition to new or retrofit installations.
Default engraving on a five pushbutton button assembly (Style 1) is provided with the HZ2‑KPEX-A, HZ2‑KPEX-W, and HZ2‑KPEX-B. The default engraving includes a simple dot to provide feedback and indicate where the button can be pressed.
Integrated Keypad
Supporting up to five buttons in six available button configurations, the HZ2‑KPEX is configurable for a variety of applications. Because the device is attached to the Crestron® network, it can function as a keypad to trigger remote actions.
Button Engraving
Custom laser-etched engraving is used to identify the functionality of each button on the button assembly. When a custom engraved model is ordered, the engraved button assembly is installed on the device before it is shipped. Create engraving files using Impress, the Crestron Home Setup app, the Crestron Home Online Configurator, or D3Pro. If necessary, custom engraving can be changed up until the order is processed by emailing with the engraving file.
If the engraving or button assembly has not been finalized before an order is placed, default engravings can be replaced with custom engravings by sending an engraving file to before the order ships. If the updated engraving order maintains the same product types and quantities as the original order, it will be processed in the order that it was originally received.
To order replacement engravings, refer to the HZ2-BTNS ENGRAVED button assembly product page.
Button assemblies without engravings (BLANK models) are available separately and can be used as-is or custom engraved by a third-party engraver.
Note: Devices ordered with custom engraving (ENGRAVED models) are provided with the button assembly indicated on the engraving order. The button assembly is installed prior to shipment and replaces the default button assembly with default engraving.
Multicolor Backlit Buttons
The engraved buttons are illuminated using the device's RGB LED backlights. Each button can be assigned custom color backlighting. The LED backlight provides feedback by changing the intensity, changing the color, or flashing to show that an action is being performed.
Local color theme sets the colors for all buttons on the device. In addition to the local color theme, each button can be assigned an alternate color theme. Thirteen local color themes are available that include Tunable White (default is Warm White), Neutral White, Cool White, and a variety of common colors. The local color theme and alternate color themes can be changed programmatically.
Multigang Expansion with Horizon 2 Faceplates
Install up to four Horizon® 2 devices side‑by‑side in a US multigang electrical box with a compatible HZ2‑FP‑G series faceplate. When multiple devices are installed in a 2-, 3-, or 4-gang faceplate, the buttons on the devices are aligned to form one continuous control surface.
Field-Replaceable Button Trees
The field-replaceable button assemblies allow for changes in device function or to allow the customer to use the system before finalizing the engravings. The button assembly can be replaced with any of the six HZ2-BTNS button assembly configurations and are available with custom engraving (ENGRAVED models) or no engraving (BLANK models).
The HZ2-BTNS series button assemblies and HZ2‑KPEX devices are available in the following styles:
Ambient Light Sensor
To ensure optimal visibility under varying lighting conditions, the button backlighting and indicator intensity adjusts automatically according to the amount of ambient light in the room.
Standard Wall Mount
Horizon keypads are designed for installation in a standard electrical wall box, making them perfect for installation in a multi-gang box alongside other Horizon devices.
infiNET EX Communications
infiNET EX wireless technology provides two‑way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure without the need for physical control wiring. Each infiNET EX device acts as an expander by sending command signals to other infiNET EX devices in range (approximately 150 ft (46 m) indoors) to ensure reliability and stability.
The device communicates with a control system via a Crestron Wireless Gateway (sold separately). Up to 100 infiNET EX devices may coexist on a wireless network.
Note: Any infiNET EX device that provides expander functionality will effectively extend the range of the wireless network beyond the initial range of the gateway. Battery-powered infiNET EX devices do not provide expander functionality. A dedicated infiNET EX Wireless Expander is also available (CLW-EXPEX, sold separately).
Region tillgänglighet
Europa | Asien | Nordamerika | Afrika | Sydamerika | Oceanien |
Åland | Afghanistan | Amerikanska Jungruöarna | Algeriet | Argentina | Amerikanska Samoaöarna |
Albanien | Armenien | Anguilla | Angola | Bolivia | Australien |
Andorra | Azerbajdzjan | Antigua och Barbuda | Benin | Brasilien | Cooköarna |
Belgien | Bahrain | Aruba | Botswana | Chile | Fiji |
Bosnien och Hercegovina | Bangladesh | Bahamas | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Franska Polynesien |
Bulgarien | Bhutan | Barbados | Burundi | Ecuador | Guam |
Cypern | Brittiska territoriet i Indiska oceanen | Belize | Centralafrikanska republiken | Falklandsöarna (Islas Malvinas) | Kiribati |
Danmark | Brunei | Bermuda | Demokratiska republiken Kongo | Franska Guyana | Marshallöarna |
Estland | Filippinerna | British Virgin Islands | Djibouti | Guyana | Mikronesiens federerade stater |
Färöarna | Förenade Arabemiraten | Caymanöarna | Egypten | Paraguay | Nauru |
Finland | Georgia | Costa Rica | Ekvatorialguinea | Peru | Niue |
Frankrike | Hongkong | Curaçao | Elfenbenskusten | Surinam | Nordmarianerna |
Gibraltar | Indien | Dominica | Eritrea | Uruguay | Norfolk Island |
Grekland | Indonesien | Dominikanska republiken | Etiopien | Venezuela | Nya Kaledonien |
Guernsey | Irak | El Salvador | Gabon | Nya Zeeland | |
Irland | Iran | Grenada | Gambia | Östtimor | |
Island | Israel | Grönland | Ghana | Palau | |
Isle of Man | Japan | Guadeloupe | Guinea | Papua Nya Guinea | |
Italien | Jordanien | Guatemala | Guinea-Bissau | Pitcairn Islands | |
Jersey | Julöarna | Haiti | Jamhuri ya Uganda | Samoa | |
Kroatien | Kambodja | Honduras | Kamerun | Solomon Islands | |
Lettland | Kazakstan | Jamaica | Kap Verde | Tokelauöarna | |
Liechtenstein | Kina | Kanada | Kenya | Tonga | |
Litauen | Kokosöarna | Karibiska Nederländerna | Komorerna | Tuvalu | |
Luxemburg | Kuwait | Kuba | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Malta | Kyrgyzstan | Martinique | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Moldavien | Laos | Mexiko | Liberia | Wallis- och Futunaöarna | |
Monaco | Libanon | Montserrat | Libyen | ||
Montenegro | Macao | Nicaragua | Madagaskar | ||
Nederländerna | Malaysia | Panama | Malawi | ||
Nordmakedonien | Maldiverna | Puerto Rico | Mali | ||
Norge | Mongoliet | Saint Christopher och Nevis | Marocko | ||
Österrike | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Lucia | Mauretanien | ||
Polen | Nepal | Saint Vincent och Grenadinerna | Mauritius | ||
Portugal | Nordkorea | Saint-Barthélemy | Mayotte | ||
Rumänien | Oman | Saint-Martin | Moçambique | ||
Ryssland | Pakistan | Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon | Namibia | ||
San Marino | Palestina | Sint Maarten | Niger | ||
Schweiz | Qatar | Trinidad och Tobago | Nigeria | ||
Serbien | Saudiarabien | Turks och Caicos Islands | Réunion | ||
Slovakien | Singapore | USA | Rwanda | ||
Slovenien | Sri Lanka | Saint Helena | |||
Spanien | Sydkorea | São Tomé och Príncipe | |||
Storbritannien | Syrien | Senegal | |||
Svalbard | Tadzjikistan | Seychellerna | |||
Sverige | Taiwan | Sierra Leone | |||
Tjeckien | Thailand | Södra Sudan | |||
Tyskland | Turkiet | Somalia | |||
Ukraina | Turkmenistan | Sudan | |||
Ungern | Uzbekistan | Swaziland | |||
Vatikanstaten | Vietnam | Sydafrika | |||
Vitryssland | Yemen | Tanzania | |||
Tchad | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisien | |||||
Västsahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |