I SERIES Subwoofer 800 loudspeakers provide exemplary acoustic performance, modular flexibility and elegant aesthetics for modern performance venues. Designed to support the goals of systems integrators and consultants both acoustically and mechanically, I SERIES Subwoofers provide a broad range of sizes and capabilities that can be specifically matched to the needs of any modern venue.
The compact, low-profile single driver I SERIES subwoofers are ideal for distributed or concealed sub-bass and are the perfect choice for ground stack applications. Additionally, each cabinet was carefully designed to provide matching face widths and suspension point locations for seamless integration into flown arrays with I SERIES full range models when additional LF extension is needed but a compact appearance is required. The broad range of optional low profile fly rails, fly frames and modular array brackets reduce design and installation time while also providing improved aesthetics and nearly limitless integration possibilities.
The IS8-118 is a compact, direct radiating subwoofer with large, balanced ports that provide optimal enclosure tuning and even air pressure distribution to the driver cones, reducing distortion and extending system longevity. FEA optimized linear suspensions and high flux neodymium motors with long linear excursion capabilities provide exceptionally deep bass for the enclosure’s size.
community ALC3202D is recommended for this product. Higher power ALC configurations may be used safely as well.
Region tillgänglighet
Europa | Asien | Nordamerika | Afrika | Sydamerika | Oceanien |
Åland | Afghanistan | Amerikanska Jungruöarna | Algeriet | Argentina | Amerikanska Samoaöarna |
Albanien | Armenien | Anguilla | Angola | Bolivia | Australien |
Andorra | Azerbajdzjan | Antigua och Barbuda | Benin | Brasilien | Cooköarna |
Belgien | Bahrain | Aruba | Botswana | Chile | Fiji |
Bosnien och Hercegovina | Bangladesh | Bahamas | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Franska Polynesien |
Bulgarien | Bhutan | Barbados | Burundi | Ecuador | Guam |
Cypern | Brittiska territoriet i Indiska oceanen | Belize | Centralafrikanska republiken | Falklandsöarna (Islas Malvinas) | Kiribati |
Danmark | Brunei | Bermuda | Demokratiska republiken Kongo | Franska Guyana | Marshallöarna |
Estland | Filippinerna | British Virgin Islands | Djibouti | Guyana | Mikronesiens federerade stater |
Färöarna | Förenade Arabemiraten | Caymanöarna | Egypten | Paraguay | Nauru |
Finland | Georgia | Costa Rica | Ekvatorialguinea | Peru | Niue |
Frankrike | Hongkong | Curaçao | Elfenbenskusten | Surinam | Nordmarianerna |
Gibraltar | Indien | Dominica | Eritrea | Uruguay | Norfolk Island |
Grekland | Indonesien | Dominikanska republiken | Etiopien | Venezuela | Nya Kaledonien |
Guernsey | Irak | El Salvador | Gabon | Nya Zeeland | |
Irland | Iran | Grenada | Gambia | Östtimor | |
Island | Israel | Grönland | Ghana | Palau | |
Isle of Man | Japan | Guadeloupe | Guinea | Papua Nya Guinea | |
Italien | Jordanien | Guatemala | Guinea-Bissau | Pitcairn Islands | |
Jersey | Julöarna | Haiti | Jamhuri ya Uganda | Samoa | |
Kroatien | Kambodja | Honduras | Kamerun | Solomon Islands | |
Lettland | Kazakstan | Jamaica | Kap Verde | Tokelauöarna | |
Liechtenstein | Kina | Kanada | Kenya | Tonga | |
Litauen | Kokosöarna | Karibiska Nederländerna | Komorerna | Tuvalu | |
Luxemburg | Kuwait | Kuba | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Malta | Kyrgyzstan | Martinique | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Moldavien | Laos | Mexiko | Liberia | Wallis- och Futunaöarna | |
Monaco | Libanon | Montserrat | Libyen | ||
Montenegro | Macao | Nicaragua | Madagaskar | ||
Nederländerna | Malaysia | Panama | Malawi | ||
Nordmakedonien | Maldiverna | Puerto Rico | Mali | ||
Norge | Mongoliet | Saint Christopher och Nevis | Marocko | ||
Österrike | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Lucia | Mauretanien | ||
Polen | Nepal | Saint Vincent och Grenadinerna | Mauritius | ||
Portugal | Nordkorea | Saint-Barthélemy | Mayotte | ||
Rumänien | Oman | Saint-Martin | Moçambique | ||
Ryssland | Pakistan | Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon | Namibia | ||
San Marino | Palestina | Sint Maarten | Niger | ||
Schweiz | Qatar | Trinidad och Tobago | Nigeria | ||
Serbien | Saudiarabien | Turks och Caicos Islands | Réunion | ||
Slovakien | Singapore | USA | Rwanda | ||
Slovenien | Sri Lanka | Saint Helena | |||
Spanien | Sydkorea | São Tomé och Príncipe | |||
Storbritannien | Syrien | Senegal | |||
Svalbard | Tadzjikistan | Seychellerna | |||
Sverige | Taiwan | Sierra Leone | |||
Tjeckien | Thailand | Södra Sudan | |||
Tyskland | Turkiet | Somalia | |||
Ukraina | Turkmenistan | Sudan | |||
Ungern | Uzbekistan | Swaziland | |||
Vatikanstaten | Vietnam | Sydafrika | |||
Vitryssland | Yemen | Tanzania | |||
Tchad | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisien | |||||
Västsahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |