NX-4200 NetLinx NX Integrated Controller
NX-4200 NetLinx NX Integrated Controller
NX-4200 NetLinx NX Integrated Controller
NX-4200 NetLinx NX Integrated Controller

    NX-4200 NetLinx NX Integrated Controller

    The NX-4200 / NetLinx® NX Integrated Controller is a programmable network appliance specifically designed to control AV and building technology using multiple analog and digital formats. The NX-4200 provides a scalable platform for the future by combining high performance, backward compatibility and extensive network security features. With its front panel display, built-in Ethernet switch and PoE capability, the NX-4200 is the ideal solution for demanding, technology-rich environments. The NX-4200’s all-in-one architecture also delivers the lowest Total Cost of Ownership in the industry, thanks to ease of support, maintenance and configuration, as well as reduced hardware and cabling costs.

    Common Applications

    • NX Master Security firmware is ideal for enterprise, education, and government policies requiring secure communication over a computer network in line with security standards expected by the IT industry of any equipment running on an enterprise
    • The NX-4200 is geared to meet the high-end control and automation requirements of the most sophisticated and complex business, educational and residential installations. With its generous number of ports, security features and Ethernet switching options, the NX-4200 is ideal for any large installation requiring stringent security measures.
    • With redundant power, built in Ethernet switch and enhanced security features like Dual NIC with POE, the NX-4200 provides versatility with the ability to integrate the largest number of devices in the NX Series of Integrated Controllers, including projectors, lighting, DVD and Blu-ray players, thermostats and other electronic equipment.


    • Front Panel Display – Features an LCD display on the front panel, making it easy to view status information, network settings, IP addresses & ICSLan Port status, among others
    • Redundant Power Source – The NX-4200 can be powered either with a connection to mains AC power (110/220VAC) or from an external 12V DC power supply. If the AC input power is lost or if the internal power supply fails, the NX-4200 will immediately switch to the 12V DC power input without interruption except to PoE devices on the ICSLan
    • Dual NIC with Power – Enables two discrete network interfaces for unrivaled security and includes a 4 Port switch with PoE allowing you to power PoE devices over a secure, isolated network. The LAN port is used to connect the master to an external network, and the ICSLAN ports connect to AMX or third-party A/V equipment isolated from the primary network
    • IPv6 – Supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), the communications protocol that provides an identification and location system for computers on networks and routes traffic across the Internet
    • IEEE 802.1X – Supports IEEE Standard for Port-based Network Access Control with the ability to grant or deny network access to devices wishing to attach to a LAN based on credentials tied to the device rather than to a user
    • X.509 Certificate Services – NX supports customer-provided certificates for access to protected networks
    • Full LDAP Integration – Supports multiple user-defined login groups for accessing the master, as well as provides an AMX programmer the capability to require network login to access certain areas of the touch panel
    • High Performance Architecture, Flexible Programming Platform (RPM, NetLinx and Java) – Easily scalable to support a wide range of applications for today and tomorrow
    • Full Line Compatible (Backwards and Cross-Compatibility) – Standardized port numbers and new configuration import/export tools mean fewer coding changes
    • TLS / SSH Client – Provides NetLinx programmers the ability to manage secure port TLS and SSH communications with a remote device or server
    • Cryptographic Support – In accordance with FIPS 140-2, a U.S. government computer security standard used to accredit cryptographic modules for the protection of sensitive or valuable data
    • Network Syslog – Supports standard device logging to a syslog server
    • Enhanced Diagnostics On Serial and IR Ports – Provides real time error feedback when Serial and IR ports are disconnected or improperly wired
    • File Import / Export From USB Drive – Backup and restore configuration data, program files, and update firmware from a standard USB flash drive
    • Ultra-Fast 1600 MIPS processor
    • 1 GB Onboard RAM
    • 1 M Non-Volatile Memory
    • 8 GB SDHC FLASH Memory
    • 1 RU
    • 2 AXLink Interface
    • 1 10/100 LAN Interface
    • 4 10/100 ICSLan Interfaces with PoE
    • 4 PoE Interfaces
    • 8 Digital I/O Ports
    • 2 RS232/422/485 Ports
    • 6 RS232-Only Ports
    • 8 IR/Serial Output Ports
    • 8 Relay Ports

    Keywords: Harman

    • Dimensions (HWD): 1 4/5" x 17" x 9 1/8" (45.15 mm x 431.80 mm x 231.64 mm)

      Weight: 7.6 lb. (3.447 Kg)

      Memory: Memory Card: 8 GB SD, NVRAM: 1 MB, DDRAM: 1 GB, Note: Supports external USB Solid State Drives

      Power Consumption: Active Power Consumption: 8.4 W

      AxLink Port: (2) 4-position 3.5mm Screw Terminal, provides data and power to external AxLink control devices

      AxLink Indicator: (2) AxLink LED (green) indicates the state of the AxLink port

      RS-232/422/485 Ports: (2) 10-position 3.5mm Screw Terminal, NetLinx Port 1 and 5, XON/XOFF (transmit on / transmit off), CTS/RTS (clear to send/ready to send), 300 - 115,200 baud

      RS-232 Port: (6) 5-position 3.5mm Screw Terminal, NetLinx Ports 2-4 and 6-8, XON/XOFF (transmit on / transmit off), CTS/RTS (clear to send/ready to send), 300 - 115,200 baud

      Serial Indicator: (8) sets of LEDs (red/yellow) indicate when serial Ports 1 - 8 are transmitting and receiving data

      IR/Serial: (8) 2-position 3.5mm Screw Terminal, 8 IR Transmit / 1-way Serial ports, NetLinx Ports 11-18, Support high-frequency carriers up to 1.142 MHz, 8 IR/Serial data signals can be generated simultaneously

      IR/Serial Indicators: (2) LEDs (red) indicate when each of the IR/Serial ports (11-18) are transmitting control data

      I/O Channels: (8) One 10-position 3.5mm Screw Terminal, 8-channel binary I/O port for contact closure with each input being capable of voltage sensing, NetLinx Port 22, Channels 1-8

      I/O Indicator: (8) LEDs (yellow) indicate each of the I/O channels (1-8) are active

      Relays: (8) Two 8-position 3.5 mm Screw Terminal, (8) single-pole, single-throw relays, NetLinx Port 21, Channels 1-8, Each relay can switch up to 24 VDC or 28 VAC @ 1 A, Each relay is independently controlled

      Relay Indicators: (8) LEDs (red) indicate when each of the relay channels (1-8) are active (closed)

      FG Numbers: FG2106-04

    Teknisk specifikation
    • Unik ref.nx-4200-controller
    • ProduktfamiljElectronics
    • ProduktgruppCentral Controllers
    • TypObjekt (enstaka objekt)
    • Publiceringsdatum2021-05-19
    • Edition nummer1
    • Designad iUSA
    • Tillverkad iUSA
    • BIMobjektkategoriElektronik - Kommunikation
    • IFC klassificeringEldistribution
    • ETIM kodEC001634
    • ETIM namnAudio/video transmitting system
    • UNSPSC namnElectrical controls and accessories
    • UNSPSC kod391215
    • Uniclass 2015 kodPr_70_75_04
    • Uniclass 2015 beskrivningAudio, data and visual outlet plates and controllers
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Kod11 52 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitelAudio-Visual Equipment
    • OmniClass nummer23-37 15 00
    • OmniClass TitelAudio Visual Equipment

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