Series TR Transition Risers are used to connect the main fire supply to the building overhead fire system. The fitting passes under the foundation without joints and extends up through the floor. Provided with installation tabs, the unit has a CIPS (Cast Iron Pipe Size) coupler for easy connection to the underground supply (AWWA C900 PVC) and (Ductile Iron Pipe) an industry standard grooved-end connection (AWWA C606) on the building side for easy connection to the overhead fire sprinkler system.
Watts Transition Risers are precision engineered and manufactured to provide exceptional reliability and reduce installation time & labor costs associated with field assembly. In accordance with NFPA 24 and numerous regional plumbing codes, the UL/ FM approved Transition Risers replace numerous fittings, elbows & spools and reduces the possibility of leaks or failure in comparison to traditional installation methods and materials. Factory tested integrity ensures the highest quality installation. The use of stainless steel significantly increases the reliability and life of the riser.
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