Multiarenas in wood & steel Agorespace First MB3 850
Multiarenas in wood & steel Agorespace First MB3 850
Multiarenas in wood & steel Agorespace First MB3 850
Multiarenas in wood & steel Agorespace First MB3 850
Multiarenas in wood & steel Agorespace First MB3 850
Multiarenas in wood & steel Agorespace First MB3 850

    Multiarenas in wood & steel Agorespace First MB3 850

    Agorespace from Unisport is a multiarena that engages everyone, regardless of age, and provides a better and inclusive local environment. It is a nearby sports facility designed to accommodate up to 8 different sports, making the facility versatile and adaptable to individual needs and circumstances.

    Agorespace multiarena is extremely durable and features a highly secure construction to prevent injuries and vandalism. The multiarena is also equipped with vibration dampeners to minimize noise levels for nearby residences.

    • Size: 40m x 20m

    Specifikime teknike
    • Referencë unikemultiarenas-in-wood-steel-agorespace-first-mb3-850
    • Familja e produkteveOutdoor activities
    • Grupi i produkteveMultiarenas
    • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
    • Data e botimit2024-01-18
    • Numri i botimit1
    Të ngjashme
    • Materiali kryesorDru
    • Materiali dytësorÇelik
    • Kategoria BIMobjectSport & Rekreacion - Stadiumi i uljes

    Rajoni i disponueshëm
