Tollco Set with pipe collars and bushing

Tollco Set with pipe collars and bushing

Tollco Set with; Tollco bushing for dishwasher hoses in the sink cabinet. Tollco collar provides a waterproof pipe penetration and is used in the kitchen sink cabinet and is used for both water pipes and drainage pipes. Tollco sealing with 3 different types of seals. The white polyisobutylene sealing tape is single-sided and perfect for sealing pipe penetrations around pipes and over joints and cracks. The black sealing tape is double-sided. It is used to seal joints between 2 materials, e.g. the cabinet bottom and the Tollco Sink liner for cabinets. The grey sealing compound is shapable and easily seals screw holes or can be wound around pipes and in cracks.

Specifikime teknike
  • Referencë uniketollco-set-with-pipe-collars-and-bushing
  • Familja e produkteveTollco Sealing Kit
  • Grupi i produkteveSealing
  • Data e botimit2021-10-13
  • Numri i botimit1
  • Gjatësia (mm)60
  • Gjerësia (mm)250
  • Thellësia (mm)240
Të ngjashme
  • Materiali kryesorPolypropylene
  • Projektuar nëSuedi
  • Prodhuar nëSuedi
  • Weight Net (kg)0.43
  • Kategoria BIMobjectKuzhinë - Të tjera
  • IFC classificationMaterial

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