Create your ideal summit station with Silen Bridges Portal. Easy connectivity between arcs and modularity offer you great flexibility in choosing the right space your team needs. No floor fastening is required.
Choose Silen Bridges Portal and enjoy:
Silen Bridges Portal features include:
Silen Bridges completely reimagines the concept of space dividers, promoting unity instead of division in your workspace. With innovative design and engineering at its core, Silen Bridges offers you a comprehensive plug-and-play solution to seamlessly connect and enhance your diverse work environment.
Whether it's a spot for impromptu brainstorming sessions, a hub for team summits, or any other function, the four unique Bridges solutions - Mobile, Bond, Portal, and Connect - provide a wide range of customizable options that blend functionality and aesthetics, creating a harmonious and productive office space tailored to your company's goals and needs.
What sets Silen Bridges apart is its unwavering commitment to exceptional acoustics, ensuring a serene and productive atmosphere. With mobility and modularity, you can effortlessly scale, rearrange, and adjust your workspace. Moreover, the product range goes even further by prioritizing sustainability, incorporating innovative SEAQUAL® YARN marine plastic fabric throughout its offerings.
Recognized for its groundbreaking design and functionality, Silen Bridges was named a HiP Awards Honoree by Interior Design Magazine, further cementing its status as a leader in innovative workspace solutions.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
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Åland Islands | Arabia Saudite | Anguilla | Afrika e Jugut | Argjentinë | Australi |
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Bulgari | Brunei | Belize | Burkina Faso | Guyana | Ishujt Minor Periferik të Shteteve të Bashkuara |
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Gjibraltar | Indonezi | Guatemala | Eswatini | Uruguay | Niue |
Greqi | Irak | Honduras | Gabon | Venezuela | Norfolk Island |
Holandë | Ishujt Cocos (Keeling) | Ishujt e Virgjër Britanikë | Gambia | Palau | |
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Irlandë | Japoni | Ishujt Kajman | Guine | Polinezia franceze | |
Ishujt Faroe | Jordan | Kanadë | Guinea-Bissau | Samoa | |
Ishulli i Njeriut | Kazahstan | Karaibe Holandë | Kamerun | Samoa amerikane | |
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Kroacia | Krishtlindje Island | Martinique | Liberi | Tonga | |
Letoni | Kuveit | Meksikë | Madagaskar | Tuvalu | |
Liechtenstein | Macau | Montserrat | Malawi | Vanuatu | |
Lituani | Malazi | Nikaragua | Marok | Wallis dhe Futuna | |
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Maqedonia e Veriut | Oman | Saint-Barthélemy | Mozambik | ||
Mbretëria e Bashkuar | Pakistan | Shën Kitts dhe Nevis | Namibia | ||
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Monaco | Qatar | Shën Pierre dhe Miquelon | Nigeri | ||
Norvegji | Singapore | Shën Vincent dhe Grenadinet | Republika e Afrikës Qendrore | ||
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Qyteti i Vatikanit | Taxhikistan | Turks dhe Caicos Islands | Sahara Perëndimore | ||
Republika Çeke | Territori Britanik i Oqeanit Indian | Xhamaika | São Tomé dhe Príncipe | ||
Rumani | Turkmenistan | Senegal | |||
San Marino | Turqi | Seychelles | |||
Serbia | Vietnam | Shën Helena | |||
Shqipëri | Sierra Leone | ||||
Sllovenia | Tanzania | ||||
Slovakia | Togo | ||||
Spanjë | Tunizi | ||||
Suedi | Uganda | ||||
Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen | Zambia | ||||
Switzerland | |||||
Ukrainë |