A wall expansion joint, Sika Emseal Seismic Colorseal® (Colorseal*) is a silicone-coated, precompressed primary seal for high-movement wall joints. Seismic Colorseal ensures watertightness in vertical-plane structural, seismic, and abutment joints in virtually any substrate.
Continuity of seal and continuity of thermal insulation throughout changes in plane and direction are hallmarks of Seismic Colorseal. The product’s ability to maintain watertightness when installed at inside corners, and while handling curves and direction changes further sets it apart from rubber-and-rail strip seals. Seismic Colorseal is positively secured without invasive anchors while color-switching makes the product aesthetically versatile.
Seismic Colorseal was developed to restore the function of the building envelope where it is breached by the location of a movement joint. As a result, the performance tests required to certify curtainwall and other building envelope systems are the basis of performance of Seismic Colorseal as well. Seismic Colorseal has been tested to, and exceeds, the requirements of performance tests including: for Water Penetration: ASTM E-331; Wind Loading: ASTM E330; Air permeability: ASTM E283-04; Sound blocking: ASTM E90-09; R-Value: ASTM C518-04; Low-Emitting Material : CDPH/EHLB/Standard Method Version 1.2, 2017; as well as in-house Temperature Stability, Bleeding, Staining & Recovery testing to ensure performance under conditions modeling real life.
• Primary seal
• Watertight
• Airtight
• Insulates
• Non-invasive anchoring
• Low-Emitting Material per CDPH/EHLB V1.2, 2017
• Sound attenuating STC 52; OITC 38
• ABAA Compliant
• Resists hurricane force wind & water
• Low-Tension silicone and foam hybrid sealant
• Rapid installation–new or retrofit
• Aesthetically and practically versatile
• Easily handles changes in plane and direction
• Easily handles curved expansion joints
• Curtainwall
• Masonry
• Precast
• Metal Panel
• Natural Stone
• EIFS, etc.
• Rough Substrates
• Curved Expansion Joints
Standard Sizes
1/2″ to 10″ | 12mm – 250mm
Note: Sizes under 1 1/2″ (40mm) are manufactured with a single bellows (See Colorseal-On-A-Reel) and are supplied as 10′ lengths on reels. Larger sizes incorporate multiple bellows and are supplied as 6.56′ (2M) long ‘sticks’.
Movement Capability
Total 100% (+50% and -50%) of nominal supplied size.
Full range of industry standard colors
Custom colors
*Product Update: Decades of successful performance have proved “Seismic Colorseal” to provide functionally equivalent performance to “Colorseal” while offering more movement capability and better price value. As of January 2, 2017 both products will be built the same, feature the same movement capability and will be priced the same. All shipments will be marked “Seismic Colorseal”.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Europe | Asia | North America | Africa | South America | Oceania |
Åland Islands | Afganistan | Anguilla | Afrika e Jugut | Argjentinë | Australi |
Andorra | Arabia Saudite | Antigua dhe Barbuda | Algjeri | Bolivi | Fiji |
Austri | Armeni | Aruba | Angolë | Brazil | Guam |
Belgjikë | Azerbaixhan | Bahamas | Benin | Ekuador | Ishujt Cook |
Bjellorusi | Bahrain | Barbados | Botsvanë | Guiana franceze | Ishujt Marshall |
Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Bangladesh | Belize | Burkina Faso | Guyana | Ishujt Minor Periferik të Shteteve të Bashkuara |
Bulgari | Brunei | Bermuda | Burundi | Ishujt Falkland (Islas Malvinas) | Ishujt Pitcairn |
Danimarkë | Butan | Dominica | Çad | Kili | Ishujt Solomon |
Estoni | Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe | El Salvador | Cape Verde | Kolumbi | Ishujt Veriore të Marianës |
Finlandë | Filipinet | Grenada | Côte d'Ivoire | Paraguaj | Kaledonia e Re |
Francë | Gjeorgji | Grenlandë | Djibouti | Peru | Kiribati |
Gërnzi | Hong Kong | Guadeloupe | Egjipt | Suriname | Nauru |
Gjermani | Indi | Guatemala | Eritrea | Uruguay | Niue |
Gjibraltar | Indonezi | Haiti | Eswatini | Venezuela | Norfolk Island |
Greqi | Irak | Honduras | Ethiopia | Palau | |
Holandë | Iran | Ishujt e Virgjër Britanikë | Gabon | Papua Guinea e Re | |
Hungari | Ishujt Cocos (Keeling) | Ishujt e Virgjër të SHBA | Gambia | Polinezia franceze | |
Irlandë | Izrael | Ishujt Kajman | Gana | Samoa | |
Ishujt Faroe | Japoni | Kanadë | Guine | Samoa amerikane | |
Ishulli i Njeriut | Jemen | Karaibe Holandë | Guinea Ekuatoriale | Shtetet Federale të Mikronezisë | |
Islandë | Jordan | Kolektiviteti i Shën Martinit | Guinea-Bissau | Timor-Leste | |
Itali | Kamboxhi | Kosta Rika | Kamerun | Tokelau | |
Jersey | Kazahstan | Kubë | Kenya | Tonga | |
Kroacia | Kinë | Kuraçao | Komora | Tuvalu | |
Letoni | Kirgistan | Martinique | Lesoto | Vanuatu | |
Liechtenstein | Korea e jugut | Meksikë | Liberi | Wallis dhe Futuna | |
Lituani | Korea e Veriut | Montserrat | Libi | Zelanda e Re | |
Luksemburg | Krishtlindje Island | Nikaragua | Madagaskar | ||
Mali i Zi | Kuveit | Panama | Malawi | ||
Maltë | Laos | Porto Riko | Mali | ||
Maqedonia e Veriut | Liban | Republika Domenikane | Marok | ||
Mbretëria e Bashkuar | Macau | Saint-Barthélemy | Mauritius | ||
Moldovë | Malazi | Shën Kitts dhe Nevis | Mavritani | ||
Monaco | Maldives | Shën Lucia | Mayotte | ||
Norvegji | Mongoli | Shën Pierre dhe Miquelon | Mozambik | ||
Poloni | Myanmar (Burma) | Shën Vincent dhe Grenadinet | Namibia | ||
Portugali | Neoal | Shtetet e Bashkuara | Niger | ||
Qipro | Oman | Sint Maarten | Nigeri | ||
Qyteti i Vatikanit | Pakistan | Trinidad dhe Tobago | Republika Demokratike e Kongos | ||
Republika Çeke | Palestinë | Turks dhe Caicos Islands | Republika e Afrikës Qendrore | ||
Rumani | Qatar | Xhamaika | Republika e Kongos | ||
Rusi | Singapore | Reunion | |||
San Marino | Siria | Rwanda | |||
Serbia | Sri Lanka | Sahara Perëndimore | |||
Shqipëri | Taiwan | São Tomé dhe Príncipe | |||
Sllovenia | Tajlandë | Senegal | |||
Slovakia | Taxhikistan | Seychelles | |||
Spanjë | Territori Britanik i Oqeanit Indian | Shën Helena | |||
Suedi | Turkmenistan | Sierra Leone | |||
Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen | Turqi | Somalia | |||
Switzerland | Uzbekistan | Sudan | |||
Ukrainë | Vietnam | Sudanin Jugor | |||
Tanzania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunizi | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |