ClassicStyle Bollard LED (VBR)

ClassicStyle Bollard LED (VBR)

Now you can enjoy high-performing, energy-saving LED technology without worrying about the harsh glare or pixelization that can occur with LED luminaires. With the full, comfortable glow of new Lumec ClassicStyle Luminaires with ClearGuide Technology, you can breathe new life into nighttime city spaces, strengthen a community bond, and enhance a sense of security throughout the night. This state-of-the-art, outdoor urban bollard luminaire use a revolutionary, unique, vertically-oriented light engine that creates transparency during the day; while at night, the center comes to life with full illumination, and free from the glare typically found in standard LED technologies.
Specifikime teknike
  • Referencë unikeClassicStyle_Bollard_LED_VBR
  • Familja e produkteveLumec
  • Grupi i produkteveOutdoor luminaires - Bollards
  • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
  • Data e botimit2022-09-12
  • Numri i botimit1
  • Kategoria BIMobjectNdriçim - Jashtë
  • IFC classificationNdriçim i lehtë

Rajoni i disponueshëm

North America
Shtetet e Bashkuara