Mizu Drift Bottle Trap with Removable Base Chrome
Mizu Drift Bottle Trap with Removable Base Chrome
Mizu Drift Bottle Trap with Removable Base Chrome
Mizu Drift Bottle Trap with Removable Base Chrome

    Mizu Drift Bottle Trap with Removable Base Chrome

    Maintenance and cleaning of a bottle trap has never been easier, with the Mizu Drift Bottle Trap with Removable Base in Chrome. Small jewellery dropped into the basin waste can be easily found and plumbers will no longer need to uninstall the entire bottle trap to remove large clogs. The base of the trap is easily removed with any flat sided object like a coin.
    Specifikime teknike
    • Referencë unike2261125
    • Familja e produkteveMizu
    • Grupi i produkteveDrift
    • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
    • Data e botimit2022-05-11
    • Numri i botimit1
    Të ngjashme
    • Materiali kryesorTunxh
    • Kategoria BIMobjectSanitar - Instalime

    Rajoni i disponueshëm
