nVent CADDY Adjustable Fire Alarm Box
nVent CADDY Adjustable Fire Alarm Box

    nVent CADDY Adjustable Fire Alarm Box

    nVent CADDY Fire Alarm Box with Mounting Plate is a powder coated adjustable depth box for mounting fire alarm devices and strobes, designed for on-stud and between stud applications. With two screws inside the box, installers can easily adjust to different depths after installation of drywall or ceiling tiles.

    Available in three different options, designed for a wide range of applications. The TB425FB is for 2.5” stud depths. The TB435FB is for stud depths 3 5/8” and greater. The four-square box with ½” offset design is a ready-to-install assembly for devices and strobes that do not require a mud ring.

    The TB425FBS option is for stud depths 3 5/8” and greater. The four-square box with no offset design allows for a mud ring to be used for mounting smaller devices for both single- and double-layer drywall.

      • Used for mounting fire alarm devices and strobes
      • Snap-on installation to Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket allows for easy positioning along bracket
      • Can also be mounted directly to metal studs
      • For between stud applications use with Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket
      • For overhead applications use with Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket and T-Grid Clip (sold separately)
      • Easily adjusts for different depth wall and ceiling applications
      • Screws inside fire alarm box allow for adjustment after drywall or ceiling tile installation, providing confidence to adapt to any situation
      • Includes multiple knockouts on each side of the box
      • Design provides built in far side support for minimum stub depths
      • Powder coated inside and outside of box
      • Includes depth stamps marked directly on the product for easy positioning
      • Drop-wire attachment point
    Specifikime teknike
    • Referencë unikenvent-caddy-fire-alarm-box
    • Familja e produktevenVent CADDY
    • Grupi i produkteveStud Wall & Standard Prefab Assemblies
    • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
    • Data e botimit2025-02-21
    • Numri i botimit1
    • Kategoria BIMobjectElektrike - Shpërndarje
    • IFC classificationShpërndarja elektrike
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code26 05 33.16
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleBoxes for Electrical Systems
    • OmniClass Number23-35 33 15
    • OmniClass TitleElectrical Junction Boxes

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