The inspiration for Cap table (Roger Persson 2014), comes from those big wooden cable drums. Its name, however, is an allusion to the cap of a mushroom, as these tables can spring up like mushrooms in different sizes, heights, colours and variations to create all sorts of lively and highly individual settings. The hollow pedestal is made of solid wood and the tabletop comes in a choice of veneer or solid oak, birch, ash, standard colors, standard stains on ash and white glazed oak or ash.
Top is also avaiable in laminate white, oak, birch or ash. For stained finishes, we recommend a veneered top. Accessories different cable slots which can be mounted on table top or pedestal. Cap is an ideal solution in settings where durability is a key concern. The stability and balance of the construction is achieved by adding just the right amount of stone dust inside the pillar, according to the size and diameter of the tabletop.
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