Two-Way ScreenArray Cinema Loudspeaker
The C211 Two-Way ScreenArray® Cinema Loudspeaker combines JBL’s latest technological advances with a compact footprint and accessible price point, making it easy to upgrade the sonic experience in your small or mid-sized cinema. The C211 has a depth of 12", making it perfect for small cinemas with space constraints. The C211 uses the same high frequency driver technology that is found in the 7 Series master reference studio monitors, which is trusted by top movie studios around the world, your audience will enjoy a more captivating, authentic experience from every seat in the house—just like the creators intended. With a maximum throw of 16 m (52'), the C211 is designed for a small to medium cinema as well as VIP viewing rooms.
Keywords: Harman
Rajoni i disponueshëm
North America |
Anguilla |
Antigua dhe Barbuda |
Aruba |
Bahamas |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermuda |
Dominica |
El Salvador |
Grenada |
Grenlandë |
Guadeloupe |
Guatemala |
Haiti |
Honduras |
Ishujt e Virgjër Britanikë |
Ishujt e Virgjër të SHBA |
Ishujt Kajman |
Kanadë |
Karaibe Holandë |
Kolektiviteti i Shën Martinit |
Kosta Rika |
Kubë |
Kuraçao |
Martinique |
Meksikë |
Montserrat |
Nikaragua |
Panama |
Porto Riko |
Republika Domenikane |
Saint-Barthélemy |
Shën Kitts dhe Nevis |
Shën Lucia |
Shën Pierre dhe Miquelon |
Shën Vincent dhe Grenadinet |
Shtetet e Bashkuara |
Sint Maarten |
Trinidad dhe Tobago |
Turks dhe Caicos Islands |
Xhamaika |