Planters in line with the Green Furniture seating. Can serve as corners, connectors dividers and turning joints in a bench formation. Seamless and modular, and with curvature of choice just like the seating.
The Planters of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products.
Here is a few benefits of indoor plants:
Reducing carbon dioxide levels
Increasing humidity
Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide
Reducing airborne dust levels
Keeping air temperatures down
Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice)
Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Europe | Asia | North America |
Åland Islands | Armeni | Kanadë |
Andorra | Azerbaixhan | Shtetet e Bashkuara |
Austri | Bangladesh | |
Belgjikë | Brunei | |
Bjellorusi | Butan | |
Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Filipinet | |
Bulgari | Gjeorgji | |
Danimarkë | Hong Kong | |
Estoni | Indi | |
Finlandë | Indonezi | |
Francë | Ishujt Cocos (Keeling) | |
Gërnzi | Japoni | |
Gjermani | Kamboxhi | |
Gjibraltar | Kazahstan | |
Greqi | Kinë | |
Holandë | Kirgistan | |
Hungari | Korea e jugut | |
Irlandë | Korea e Veriut | |
Ishujt Faroe | Krishtlindje Island | |
Ishulli i Njeriut | Laos | |
Islandë | Macau | |
Itali | Malazi | |
Jersey | Maldives | |
Kroacia | Mongoli | |
Letoni | Myanmar (Burma) | |
Liechtenstein | Neoal | |
Lituani | Pakistan | |
Luksemburg | Singapore | |
Mali i Zi | Sri Lanka | |
Maltë | Taiwan | |
Maqedonia e Veriut | Tajlandë | |
Mbretëria e Bashkuar | Taxhikistan | |
Moldovë | Territori Britanik i Oqeanit Indian | |
Monaco | Turkmenistan | |
Norvegji | Uzbekistan | |
Poloni | Vietnam | |
Portugali | ||
Qipro | ||
Qyteti i Vatikanit | ||
Republika Çeke | ||
Rumani | ||
Rusi | ||
San Marino | ||
Serbia | ||
Shqipëri | ||
Sllovenia | ||
Slovakia | ||
Spanjë | ||
Suedi | ||
Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen | ||
Switzerland | ||
Ukrainë |