The Eternal Material vinyl flooring collection offers a contemporary selection of textures inspired by popular flooring materials such as stone, metal, and marble . It features a range of classic structures alongside new variations. The entire color range, as well as some of the concrete and stone designs, is enhanced with a PUR Satin embossing.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Europe | Asia |
Andorra | Bahrain |
Austri | Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe |
Belgjikë | Jordan |
Bjellorusi | Oman |
Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Turqi |
Bulgari | |
Danimarkë | |
Estoni | |
Finlandë | |
Francë | |
Gjermani | |
Greqi | |
Holandë | |
Hungari | |
Irlandë | |
Ishulli i Njeriut | |
Islandë | |
Itali | |
Kroacia | |
Letoni | |
Liechtenstein | |
Lituani | |
Luksemburg | |
Mali i Zi | |
Maltë | |
Mbretëria e Bashkuar | |
Moldovë | |
Norvegji | |
Poloni | |
Portugali | |
Qipro | |
Qyteti i Vatikanit | |
Republika Çeke | |
Rumani | |
Rusi | |
San Marino | |
Serbia | |
Sllovenia | |
Slovakia | |
Spanjë | |
Suedi | |
Switzerland | |
Ukrainë |