Be-line® T-shaped grab bar Ø 35mm for showers with sliding vertical rail.
Use as a shower rail and to support the user in an upright position.
Helps and secures entry and movement in the shower for people with reduced mobility.
Use as a shower rail by adding a shower head holder and/or soap dish.
Upright position can be adjusted during installation: can be moved to the left or the right in order to adapt the space (positioning of shower, depth of shower seat...).
Aluminium tube thickness 3mm. Solid aluminium fixing points.
Rounded profile Ø 35mm with ergonomic flat front face that prevents rotation for an optimal grip.
Matte black powder-coated aluminium provides a good visual contrast with light-coloured walls.
Uniform surface for easy maintenance and hygiene.
38mm gap between the bar and the wall: minimal space prevents the forearm passing between the bar and the wall, reducing the risk of fracture in case of loss of balance.
Concealed fixings.
Supplied with Ø 8mm x 70mm stainless steel screws for concrete walls.
Dimensions: 1,130mm x 500mm.
Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg.
30-year warranty. CE marked.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Asia | Europe | Africa | South America | Oceania | North America |
Afganistan | Austri | Afrika e Jugut | Argjentinë | Australi | Bahamas |
Arabia Saudite | Belgjikë | Algjeri | Bolivi | Fiji | Belize |
Armeni | Bjellorusi | Angolë | Brazil | Ishujt Solomon | El Salvador |
Azerbaixhan | Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Benin | Ekuador | Kaledonia e Re | Grenlandë |
Bangladesh | Bulgari | Botsvanë | Guiana franceze | Papua Guinea e Re | Guatemala |
Brunei | Danimarkë | Burkina Faso | Guyana | Timor-Leste | Haiti |
Butan | Estoni | Burundi | Ishujt Falkland (Islas Malvinas) | Vanuatu | Honduras |
Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe | Finlandë | Çad | Kili | Zelanda e Re | Kanadë |
Filipinet | Francë | Côte d'Ivoire | Kolumbi | Kosta Rika | |
Gjeorgji | Gjermani | Djibouti | Paraguaj | Kubë | |
Indi | Greqi | Egjipt | Peru | Meksikë | |
Indonezi | Holandë | Eritrea | Suriname | Nikaragua | |
Irak | Hungari | Eswatini | Uruguay | Panama | |
Iran | Irlandë | Ethiopia | Venezuela | Porto Riko | |
Izrael | Islandë | Gabon | Republika Domenikane | ||
Japoni | Itali | Gambia | Shtetet e Bashkuara | ||
Jemen | Kroacia | Gana | Trinidad dhe Tobago | ||
Jordan | Letoni | Guine | Xhamaika | ||
Kamboxhi | Lituani | Guinea Ekuatoriale | |||
Kazahstan | Luksemburg | Guinea-Bissau | |||
Kinë | Mali i Zi | Kamerun | |||
Kirgistan | Maqedonia e Veriut | Kenya | |||
Korea e jugut | Mbretëria e Bashkuar | Lesoto | |||
Korea e Veriut | Moldovë | Liberi | |||
Kuveit | Norvegji | Libi | |||
Laos | Poloni | Madagaskar | |||
Liban | Portugali | Malawi | |||
Malazi | Qipro | Mali | |||
Mongoli | Republika Çeke | Marok | |||
Myanmar (Burma) | Rumani | Mavritani | |||
Neoal | Rusi | Mozambik | |||
Oman | Serbia | Namibia | |||
Pakistan | Shqipëri | Niger | |||
Palestinë | Sllovenia | Nigeri | |||
Qatar | Slovakia | Republika Demokratike e Kongos | |||
Siria | Spanjë | Republika e Afrikës Qendrore | |||
Sri Lanka | Suedi | Republika e Kongos | |||
Taiwan | Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen | Rwanda | |||
Tajlandë | Switzerland | Sahara Perëndimore | |||
Taxhikistan | Ukrainë | Senegal | |||
Turkmenistan | Sierra Leone | ||||
Turqi | Somalia | ||||
Uzbekistan | Sudan | ||||
Vietnam | Sudanin Jugor | ||||
Tanzania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunizi | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |