Work platform: ALIMAK MC650
Work platform: ALIMAK MC650

    Work platform: ALIMAK MC650

    2.7 out of 5 stars2.7(7 reviews)

    WORK PLATFORM <4000KG, Single mast A-drive

    The Alimak MC 650 is Alimak’s largest and most powerful mast climbing work platform. Engineered for efficiency, the MC 650 offers a high-quality vertical access solution for heavy applications with length from 4,4 m to 19,4 m and payload capacities of 2,230 kg to 3,630 kg.

    • Specification.

      Deployment length - 4,9 M (Basic section)
      Deployment width - 4 M (Basic section)
      Cabin length - 4400 MM (Basic section)
      Cabin width - 1500 MM (Basic section)
      Max Lifting capacity - 3630 KG (Basic section)
      Max height - 100 M (With mast anchored)

      Specifikime teknike
      • Referencë unikeALIMAKMC650
      • Familja e produkteveBuidling Hoists
      • Grupi i produkteveWork platform
      • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
      • Data e botimit2022-02-02
      • Numri i botimit1
      • Kategoria BIMobjectNdërtim - Ndërtimi i faqes
      • IFC classificationObjekt

      Rajoni i disponueshëm
