SYSTIMAX 360™ GigaSPEED X10D® Evolve High Density Shielded Modular Panel, 48 Port - Part Number : 760151498

SYSTIMAX 360™ GigaSPEED X10D® Evolve High Density Shielded Modular Panel, 48 Port - Part Number : 760151498

To simplify terminating or interconnecting your voice, data and video circuits, CommScope offers high-quality modular panels for Category 3, 5, 5e, 6 and 6A cabling. Available with up to 72 ports, these straight and angled panels are easy to install and maintain. Plus, they meet or exceed the performance and transmission standards for  mission-critical applications. 

  • Backward compatible with Category 6, 5e, 5, and 3 cords and cables

Part Number : 760151498
Specifikime teknike
  • Referencë unikecommscope-00396
  • Familja e produkteveComputer Network Equipment
  • Grupi i produkteveSYSTIMAX® Panels
  • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
  • Data e botimit2014-06-20
  • Numri i botimit1
  • Kategoria BIMobjectElektronikë - Komunikim

Rajoni i disponueshëm

North America
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