Our Crystal Tourniket is the ultimate eye-catcher. Virtually completely transparent with only a minimal stainless steel frame and patch fittings for maximum strength, it exudes elegance and style. This revolving door is available with three or four-door wings and as an element of fun or customisation, tinted glass can be used for the door wings and curved walls.
Crystal Tourniket - The All-Glass Revolving Door
The Crystal Tourniket can be finished in completely clear glass, but coloured glass is also available. With a variety of options available, we can work with you to ensure the Crystal Tourniket all-glass revolving door meets all your requirements. Choose a collapsible door set to ensure the entrance is suitable as an emergency exit* and choose three or four-door wings depending on the number of visitors you expect on a daily basis and whether they bring a briefcase or large luggage.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Asia | Europe | Oceania | Africa |
Afganistan | Austri | Australi | Algjeri |
Arabia Saudite | Belgjikë | Fiji | Egjipt |
Armeni | Bjellorusi | Guam | Marok |
Azerbaixhan | Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Ishujt Cook | Tunizi |
Bangladesh | Bulgari | Ishujt Marshall | |
Brunei | Danimarkë | Ishujt Minor Periferik të Shteteve të Bashkuara | |
Butan | Estoni | Ishujt Pitcairn | |
Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe | Finlandë | Ishujt Solomon | |
Filipinet | Francë | Ishujt Veriore të Marianës | |
Gjeorgji | Gjermani | Kaledonia e Re | |
Indi | Greqi | Kiribati | |
Indonezi | Holandë | Nauru | |
Irak | Hungari | Niue | |
Iran | Irlandë | Norfolk Island | |
Izrael | Islandë | Palau | |
Japoni | Itali | Papua Guinea e Re | |
Jemen | Kroacia | Polinezia franceze | |
Jordan | Letoni | Samoa | |
Kamboxhi | Lituani | Samoa amerikane | |
Kazahstan | Luksemburg | Shtetet Federale të Mikronezisë | |
Kinë | Mali i Zi | Timor-Leste | |
Kirgistan | Maqedonia e Veriut | Tokelau | |
Korea e jugut | Mbretëria e Bashkuar | Tonga | |
Korea e Veriut | Moldovë | Tuvalu | |
Kuveit | Norvegji | Vanuatu | |
Laos | Poloni | Wallis dhe Futuna | |
Liban | Portugali | Zelanda e Re | |
Malazi | Qipro | ||
Mongoli | Republika Çeke | ||
Myanmar (Burma) | Rumani | ||
Neoal | Rusi | ||
Oman | Serbia | ||
Pakistan | Shqipëri | ||
Palestinë | Sllovenia | ||
Qatar | Slovakia | ||
Siria | Spanjë | ||
Sri Lanka | Suedi | ||
Taiwan | Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen | ||
Tajlandë | Switzerland | ||
Taxhikistan | Ukrainë | ||
Turkmenistan | |||
Turqi | |||
Uzbekistan | |||
Vietnam |