Wayne Dalton’s Model 523 are attractive security shutters for areas where aesthetics are a valued premium. These security shutters have a compact design and come pre-assembled for easy installation in areas with low headroom and sideroom requirements. Model 523 is perfect for pharmacies, hospitals, offices, schools and other retail facilities.
The design of Model 523 allows for visibility and air flow with perforation and fenestration options, ideal for retail applications. Made with extruded aluminum, the curtain has interlocking slats constructed of .05” aluminum and comes pre-assembled for easy installation. Its compact design accommodates minimal headroom requirements. To add to the aesthetics of any facility, these security shutters are available in four standard powder coat colors and almost 200 RAL finishes to complement the exterior of any building.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact a Wayne Dalton Dealer when exact dimensions are required.
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