Wayne Dalton Models CX-24 & C-24 provide high strength at an excellent value and features 24-gauge steel sections available in a variety of sizes and configurations. Optional insulation consists of 1-5/16" expanded polystyrene which provides an R-value* of up to 7.64 and a U-value as low as 0.13.
Model CX-24 utilizes tongue-and-groove construction with self-forming rivets clinched to face and rails for superior stability throughout the door. Polylaminate and steel backers are available to ensure the CX-24 is well suited for a wide-range of commercial applications and a ribbed surface for additional strength.
Model C-24’s unique 2” x 3” box-stile design, plus tongue-and-groove construction, adds vertical stability and strength. Stiles are continuously-bonded to the skin surface with high-strength adhesive. Wind load applications only.
*Wayne Dalton uses a calculated door section R-value for insulated doors.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact a Wayne Dalton Dealer when exact dimensions are required.
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