Wayne Dalton’s ThermoMark™ Models 5150 and 5200 are the ideal choice if you’re looking for a commercial door that has a combination of strength and insulation, but also looks great on most buildings. Foamed-in-place polyurethane insulation helps improve thermal efficiency of a building a minimum, offering year round comfort while also helping to provide quieter door operation.
ThermoMark™ Models 5150 and 5200 are manufactured using our patented, continuous foamed-in-place technology, in which the polyurethane core is securely bonded to hot-dipped galvanized inner and outer skins. This process gives these doors outstanding thermal, strength, and bonding characteristics while creating a door that is significantly more efficient than conventional insulated steel doors. A designed-in joint seal also helps save energy by preventing air filtration.
Features such as the 18-gauge steel end caps give these doors increased rigidity, while the factory finished interior and exterior hot-dipped, galvanized skins make installation easier, add life to the door and provide greater durability. ThermoMark™ 5150 and 5200 also feature hardware plates at all fastener points to add durability and extend the life of the door.
These doors are offered in a wide array of colors and panel designs that give these doors the beauty and appeal of a residential door but meet the size and strength requirements needed for a commercial or industrial application.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact a Wayne Dalton Dealer when exact dimensions are required.
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