VIVOTEK’s NV9411P is a mobile NVR designed for transportation surveillance and provides 1080p 16-CH real-time live display with recording efficiency using advanced H.265 video compression technology. The 8x 802.3at/af PoE ports provide network connections and power to the network cameras. With a rugged EN50155 and MIL-STD-810G compliant design, the mobile NVR will provide durable and robust protection for all types of vehicle movement.
The NV9411P supports built-in G-sensor and GNSS module to provide information such as G-sensor events and speed events, as well as offering multiple network interfaces such as LAN, WiFi and LTE for different Network connection requirements. By implementing VIVOTEK’s VAST 2 software, GPS tracking locations are instantly displayed on Google Maps. Live videos can also be displayed remotely, allowing for instant access for complete safety control.
When installed in vehicles, the mobile NVR supports system power delay on/off and low voltage protection for better system reliability. The NVR also features a wide range of power inputs, an aluminum die-case chassis, a built-in heater, surge protection, and protection from shock and vibration. With an easy-to-install design as well as simple operation and rich features, the NV9411P provides more possibilities for tomorrow's in-vehicle security applications.
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