The 5-Megapixel FE9380-HV IP camera is the newest addition to the VIVOTEK 360° fisheye family. The FE9380-HV is a true day/night camera, with a removable IR-cut filter and 360° IR illumination up to 10 meters radius. It supports up to 30fps at full 5MP resolution as well as WDR Pro 120dB to maintain excellent image quality in high contrast lighting environments. These features greatly enable the FE9380-HV to provide clear images 24 hours a day.
To meet the demands of harsh outdoor applications, the IP camera model FE9380-HV is armed with an IP66-rated housing for protection from rain and dust, as well as IK10-rated for robust protection against acts of vandalism. Lastly the FE9380-HV uses H.265 compression technology. When combined with Smart Stream III, H.265 helps to reduce bandwidth and storage consumption up to 90%*, enabling the FE9380-HV to record more detailed 360° images while simultaneously helping to reduce costs.
* Depending on scenes
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