VIVOTEK’s CC9380-HV IP camera is an update on the widely popular CC8370-HV IP camera, now available in 5MP with H.265 compression.
The CC9380-HV is a true day/night IP camera, with a removable IR-cut filter. Through the use of a single fisheye lens set to a 180° panoramic view, the seemless image provides a very large vertical field of view. This allows for amazing close range surveillance coverage in a low profile design.
To meet the demands of any harsh outdoor application, the CC9380-HV is also armed with IP66-rated housing to help the camera body withstand rain, dust and high pressure water jets from any direction, while its IK10-rated housing provides robust protection against acts of vandalism. In addition the CC9380-HV continues the trend of its predecessor CC8370-HV and has an anti-ligature housing, to reduce chances of suicide and/or self inflicted harm.
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