VIVOTEK CC8130 is a compact cube IP security camera especially designed for indoor surveillance. The unique design makes it the best choice for boutique, department or convenience stores. The ability to view at a wide angle at 180 degrees provides complete video security with no dead angles. The unique mounting design facilitates easy installation on a wall or desktop, capturing faces at eye level. A built-in microphone further increases the level of surveillance while recording sound within a 5 meter radius.
The CC8130 supports the industry-standard H.264 compression technology, drastically reducing file sizes and conserving valuable network bandwidth. Together with the ST7501 multi-lingual 32-channel recording software, users can set up an easy-to-use IP surveillance system with ease.
Key Features
Доступно в регионах:
Северная Америка |
Ангилья |
Антигуа и Барбуда |
Аруба |
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Белиз |
Бермуды |
Бонэйр |
Британские Виргинские острова |
Виргинские Острова |
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Доминиканская Республика |
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Острова Кайман |
Острова Теркс и Кайкос |
Панама |
Пуэрто-Рико |
Сальвадор |
Сен-Бартелеми |
Сен-Мартен |
Сен-Пьер и Микелон |
Сент-Винсент и Гренадины |
Сент-Китс и Невис |
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Синт-Мартен |
Соединенные Штаты Америки |
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