A house is a building; a home is a feeling. A sense of carefree protection, which can only arise where you
feel safe. Your house will securely become a home with KFV. This is room comfort of the SIEGENIA Group. Thanks to systems of burglar resistance that result from maximum quality and 150 years of expertise. Thanks to additional locking elements in the auxiliary lock case, our multi-point lock BS2600 reinforces the burglar resistance over the entire height of the door. Because a multi-point lock from KFV is not just a series of different locking mechanisms; it is a perfectly coordinated system of exceptionally high-quality and functionally reliable individual components. The police recommend at least resistance class RC2 for entrance doors. With the quality brand SIEGENIA KFV, solutions up to RC4 and VdS class C are easily possible. All with one goal: Stealing time from the burglar. Because after two to three minutes, almost every perpetrator gives up his attempt.
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