Peerless-AV’s SmartMount® Articulating Wall Mount series has been redesigned to accommodate larger displays, offering enhanced versatility and mounting options. The I-shaped adaptor centers displays, regardless of the VESA® pattern on the back, which eliminates hassle and extra costs when upgrading displays. The SA752PU extends displays up to 30.1" (765mm) or retracts to 3.0" (76mm) from the wall, granting increased swivel for large displays. Compatibility with In-Wall Box accessories (IB14X9-W, IB14X14-W) offers easier access to power or AV devices. Meanwhile, the Hook-and-Hang™ feature produces simplified installation and One-Touch™ tilt technology provides an optimal viewing angle. Integrated cable management ensures a clean and professional installation.
This display size range is simply a guideline for product selection. Displays larger than the screen size range may still be compatible as long as they fall within the VESA® pattern and max weight of the Peerless-AV® product.
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