Architectural Super Durable Fine Textured Bonded Powder Coatings
The Riviera series ( the evolution of the Mesogeios series) was developed by taking inspiration from the impressive color palette observed in rivieras worldwide. The series’ 15 shades offer a wide color field with a harmonious result that combines light, vivid, and soft color recommendations. The Riviera shades, each one in their own unique fashion, are equally applicable to traditional constructions as well as state-of-the-art architectural designs. All colors of the series are certified with the international quality label Qualicoat (Class 2). Super durable powder coatings are at least 3 times more resistant in outdoor conditions compared to standard powder coatings.
Доступно в регионах:
Европа |
Австрия |
Аландские острова |
Албания |
Андорра |
Беларусь |
Бельгия |
Болгария |
Босния и Герцеговина |
Великобритания |
Венгрия |
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Гибралтар |
Греция |
Дания |
Джерси |
Ирландия |
Исландия |
Испания |
Италия |
Кипр |
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Литва |
Лихтенштейн |
Люксембург |
Мальта |
Молдова |
Монако |
Нидерланды |
Норвегия |
о-в Мэн |
Папский Престол (Государство-город Ватикан) |
Польша |
Португалия |
Россия |
Румыния |
Сан-Марино |
Северная Македония |
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