For precise, non-parametric 'static' Revit and IFC models, please check the 3D configurator under 'Links - Tendering Information'.
NW Reinforced 847 is a Generation 4 folding glass wall system designed specifically for mid-rise to high-rise buildings where larger panels sizes, higher wind load requirements, and limits to deflection are needed. Designed to meet the structural capabilities required for buildings up to 30 stories or DP of +/-85 psf, the reinforced frame profile is styled in an angular design where the intersection of two folding panels is a mere 5 1/4" (133 mm).
With floor supported panels capable of reaching system heights up to 11' 6" (3500 mm) and panel widths up to 3' 7" (1100 mm), NW Reinforced 847 offers wider opening sizes with the integration of FourFold and SixFold Panel Sets that move and stack to either side of the opening. NW Reinforced 847 provides the ultimate in layout flexibility. For openings onto balconies, terraces, and rooftops, this reinforced folding glass wall system opens wide to 90% or more and is not restricted as with a traditional slider. A swing door is possible for easy access and unlike a multi-track slider, the single track sill is slim with options to meet ADA compliance.
This system is independently certified and rated to meet CW-PG55. Available in inswing or outswing configurations, NW Reinforced 847 provides fresh air, increased daylight, and expanded living to the outdoors in a vertical living environment. All panel sizes and configurations are Florida statewide approved with Product Approval number FL41110.
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