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(SDL) Lensed Strip
LSI Industries

(SDL) Lensed Strip

The sleek architectural SDL is designed with tooless entry features saving time and money on installation. Optimizing Industry LED technology, the SDL series delivers unparalleled performance and efficiency meeting stringent energy requirements. The frosted lens delivers high vertical illumination offering 3000K, 3500K, 4000K and 5000K color temperatures. Innovative programmable drivers offer expansive lumen packages and comes standard with 0-10V dimming down to 1%. Designed with uncompromised aesthetics, the high-performance luminaire is well suited for commercial, industrial, retail and residential applications.

The SDL has an optimized performance and efficiency of up to 147 Lpw for the SDL model and 159 Lpw for the S model, a standard universal voltage (120-277V) driver and a 0 – 10V dimming to 1%. Also featuring: Surface, chain and pendant mount with choice of accessories for flexible installation. Available in 2’, 4’ and 8’ product configurations, the SDL has optional factory installed pre-wired plug-in assembly for continuous row and has a limited 5-year warranty.

Please visit product page for more fixture downloads and published reports.

Техническая спецификация
  • Уникальная ссылкаlsi-lensed
  • Тип продукцииIndoor Lighting
  • Группа продукцииStrips
  • ТипОбъект (один объект)
  • Дата публикации2016-04-28
  • Номер версии1
  • Высота (дюймы)3.75
  • Ширина (дюймы)4.37
  • Основной материалСталь
  • Вспомогательный материалАкрил
  • Разработано вСоединенные Штаты Америки
  • Страна-производительСоединенные Штаты Америки
  • Категория BIMobjectОсвещение - Потолочное оборудование
  • Классификация IFCОсветительные приборы
  • Код Uniclass 2015EF_70_80
  • Описание Uniclass 2015Lighting
  • Код CSI MasterFormat 201426 51 00
  • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Interior Lighting
  • Номер OmniClass23-35 47 11
  • Наименование OmniClassLighting Fixtures
  • Код CSI UniFormat IID5020
  • Заголовок CSI UniFormat IILighting & Branch Wiring

Доступно в регионах:

Северная Америка
Соединенные Штаты Америки

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