Cinema Surround Loudspeaker 2-Way Passive 1" HF, 10" Woofer (2" VC)
The 9300 Cinema Surround offers high 250 Watt power handling capability, high sensitivity, and extended base response in a groundbreaking design. The two-way 9300 features new transducer technologies, waveguide and horn designs developed specifically to produce studio quality performance with pattern control tailored to modern theatre geometries.
Combining JBL’s Image Control Technology and new asymmetric wave-shaping techniques, the 9300 surround features a Wave Shaping Vane, integral to the design, to distribute acoustic energy in proper proportion to the room. This technique provides a wave-front that is sculpted to the room geometry and provides very precise coverage capability.
The 9300 features a high power, long throw 250mm (10 inch) low frequency driver for smooth extended base response. The high frequency section utilizes a 25mm (1 inch) composite diaphragm compression driver with high output capability.
The unique, high tech, molded, black textured enclosure with open high frequency horn and black grill will enhance any décor.
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