A new generation of sensor operated mixers. All technical parts integrated in the mixer body for easy maintenance. Programmable functions such as hygiene flush, rinsing times and cleaning mode. Availible in following surfaces: Chrome, Black (pvd) and polished brass (pvd) and brushed chrome.
16416000 - Chrome, Battery operation. RSK 8553492 NRF 4300059 LVI 6158041 VVS 704369104.
16416030 - Chrome, LEED/BREEAM. Battery operation. RSK 8430651 NRF 4300096 LVI 6158104
16416032 - Black PVD, LEED/BREEAM. Battery operation. RSK 8430062 NRF 4300135
16416033 - Brushed chrome, LEED/BREEAM. Battery operation. RSK 8430063 NRF 4300128
FM Mattsson 9000E Tronic is a new generation of sensor operated mixers in Sweden. All technical parts are integrated in the mixer body for easy maintenance. The temperature is easily set by means of a lever at the side of the mixer. The lever can be fixed in order to
secure the mixer against scalding or alternatively remove the lever if you need only a fixed temperature. There is also a programmable function for hygienic flush that prevents the water to be stagnant too long and thereby prevents bacteria to grow.
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