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ASSA ABLOY FD2250P Folding Door (3+2)(2+3) Manual DLW 3190-6300mm DLH 1850-6000mm
ASSA ABLOY FD2250P Folding Door (3+2)(2+3) Manual DLW 3190-6300mm DLH 1850-6000mm
    ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems

    ASSA ABLOY FD2250P Folding Door (3+2)(2+3) Manual DLW 3190-6300mm DLH 1850-6000mm

    The ASSA ABLOY FD2250P is a manual folding door designed to require minimal maintenance. As the doors slide open, lifting Teflon coated hinges meaning that the door raises off the floor keeping wear and tear to a minimum. The doors are always visible as they open and close so collision risk is greatly reduced.    

    Made with a frame and sandwich construction, a hard profile frame and with fixed fittings and hinges, a robust construction is ensured. A broken cold bridge and tight sealing keep the temperature exchange to a minimum – the door has a U-value of just 1.1W/m2K*. The door can be partially opened meaning that air exchange and temperature loss can also be kept low when passing through the door – even when a pass door is not fitted.  

    Different closing and locking options are available and the door can be configured with a range of colors, windows, pass doors with or without window and the option to be automated.   

    The ASSA ABLOY FD2250P can be installed on either the front or the back of the exterior wall – so that users can make optimum use of their space. And with a choice of one door leaf or up to four leaves on one side the doors can be folded out of sight.  

    * Calculation based on a 5x5m ASSA ABLOY FD2250P folding door

    • Specifications for ASSA ABLOY FD2250P manual

      Insulated folding doors

      Manufacturer: ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, Lodjursgatan 10, 26144 Landskrona, Sweden

      +46 (0)10-4747100 

      Project name:                   Classes/location:


      Text in bold is an option / configuration possibility


      Insulated folding doors with a sturdy frame structure for all climates and environments. All steel parts are galvanized.

      For inside or outside installation. Clear opening width x height in mm   

      Door leaf

      The folding doors are built with a sandwich construction with an internal frame of hot-dip galvanized hollow profiles in which all hardware and hinges are fastened. The outer cladding is steel sheet galvanized and lacquered in Pural and isolated with CFC-free expanded polystyrene, with a door leaf thickness of 57mm. A broken thermal bridge is achieved with spacing of the frame and cladding.

      EN 12424 Wind class 5 (4000mm x 3300mm)                                                        

      EN12428 Thermal transmission (U-value) 1.1 W/m2K (5000mm x 5000mm, without pass door / window)

      Configuration of sections: 2+1, 1+2, 3+1, 1+3, 3+2, 2+3

      Standard door leaf colors: RAL3002, RAL5010, RAL7016, RAL9002, RAL9006. Other colors are available as optional extras.


      Sealing in black EPDM rubber on all sides of the port and between sections for an optimal seal.

      EN12426 Air permeability class 5 (5000mm x 3300mm, without pass door)

      EN12425 Water permeability class 3 (5000mm x 3300mm, without pass door)


      Galvanized steel hinges, screwed into the steel frame. Fitted with Teflon bushings, so no lubrication is required. The top hinge is protected against unhinging. The bottom hinge is lifted 10mm when turning, to reduce friction on the bottom sealing, improving operation and minimizing wear and tear.


      Insulated D4-12 glass with perimeter frame in black aluminum with broken thermal bridge. Standard sill height 1200 mm for row one and 800 mm window height. Number and position according to the layout drawing.

      Window size 400/500/600/700 x 800 alt 500x1200 mm.

      Pass door

      Full-width (section width minus 140 mm) pass door opening outwards inset in the door leaf. Sealings in black EPDM rubber and parts in black aluminum. The door is provided with a lock case and black print. The lead cover is concealed.

      Left/right-hinged, window, door closer F1034

      Door leaf as active leaf

      Designed as an active leaf without threshold, can be opened inwards or outwards, depending on the door's installation side. Outside cremone lock with access from inside, not lockable / lockable with padlock. Concealed cremone lock with access from inside/outside/inside and outside and prepared for lockable with key/not lockable. Lock indication locked door

      Operation. The active leaf is delivered with holding bracket.  Left/right-hinged, window.

      Door leaf as active leaf under door height 3200mm

      Designed as an active leaf and does not have a threshold and can be open inwards or outwards. Door provided with a lock case and black print, outside cremone lock with access from inside, not lockable / lockable with padlock. Concealed cremone lock with access from inside/outside/inside and outside and prepared for lockable with key/not lockable. Lock indication locked door

      The active leaf is delivered with holding bracket Right-hinged/left-hinged, window.

      Door locking

      Outside cremone lock with access from inside, not lockable / lockable with padlock

      Concealed cremone lock with access from inside/outside/inside and outside and lockable with key/not lockable

      Lock indication locked door


      The door is delivered with an autolock to keep the door in fully opened position

      Fixed profiles

      A complementary fixed section in similar appearance to the door leaf should be installed as demonstrated in the layout drawing

      Conformity and installation

      The product is tested and conforms to the product standard for industrial doors, EN13241-1. Standard versions conform to or exceed applicable personal safety standards.  Installation of the door must be carried out by an authorized installer having the authority to commission the door during installation in accordance with a valid CE certificate. There is no requirement on start-up inspection before the product is commissioned.

      Environmental Product Declaration

      Must be provided in the form of a third-party verified EPD and BVB assessment

      Future functionality

      Annual maintenance service for optimal performance and personal safety must be verified in accordance with the Machinery Directive and in order to maintain the product warranty: 1 year / 2 years / 3 years / 5 years / 10 years. A service agreement is concluded with ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems.

    Техническая спецификация
    • Уникальная ссылкаassa-abloy-fd2250p-folding-door-3-2_2-3
    • Тип продукцииFolding doors
    • Группа продукцииInsulated Doors
    • ТипОбъект (один объект)
    • Дата публикации2020-07-09
    • Номер версии1
    • Высота (мм)6000
    • Ширина (мм)6000
    • Основной материалСталь
    • Вспомогательный материалПенополистерол (EPS)
    • Разработано вШвеция
    • Страна-производительШвеция
    • Категория BIMobjectДвери - Складные двери
    • Классификация IFCДверь
    • Название по ССКПУ ООНDoors
    • Код ССКПУ ООН301715
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201408 35 13
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Folding Doors
    • Номер OmniClass23-17 11 00
    • Наименование OmniClassDoors

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